DNRD Dubai : Issuing Labour Entry Permit Housemaids/ Equivalent For Female Citizen

Organization : General Directorate of Residency & Foreigners Affairs
Type of Facility : Issuing Labour Entry Permit Housemaids/ Equivalent For Female Citizen
Location/Country : Dubai, UAE
Website : http://dnrd.ae/en/Services/ServicesGuide/Pages/AudianceService.aspx?ServiceId=417&AudianceId=1

DNRD Labour Entry Permit Equivalent For Female Citizen

This involves description of procedures of permits of entry department to provide the service of issuing an entry permit for work by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners’ Affairs- for the housemaids or equivalent for

Related : DNRD Dubai Issuing An Entry Permit For Citizen’s Relatives Category (Wife-Children) Dubai : www.statusin.org/10119.html

1- The female citizen married to a foreigner citizen or a citizen of Gulf Co-operation Council countries
2- Divorced female citizen
3- Widowed female citizen


Required Documents:
If the sponsor has a file at the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners’ Affairs:
1- Paid entry permit for work issuance request form by the (E-form) including a photograph of the sponsored+ signature of the sponsor

2-Copy of the sponsor’s passport 3-Copy of the sponsored ‘s passport To open a new file:
1-Paid entry permit for work issuance request form by the (E-form) including a photograph of the sponsored+ signature of the sponsor
2-Origin and copy of the sponsor’s passport or identity card
3-Copy of a valid sponsored ‘s passport (he must be within the legal age for work 18-60 years old)
4- Origin and copy of the family book or the decree

Note: There must be a separate housing(Villa) in order to sponsor the servants(males)

For female citizen married to a foreigner or a citizen of Gulf Co-operation Council countries :
1-Origin and copy of the marriage contract certified in accordance with the assets
2-Copy of the husband and children’s passports and residencies

For the divorced female citizen :
1-Origin and copy of the family book
2-Copy of children custody
3-Social status proof issued from the court one month before the date of applying for the process

For the widowed female citizen :
1-Origin and copy of the husband’s death certificate
2-Origin and copy of the family book of the dead
3-Social status proof issued from the court one month before the date of applying for the process

In case of sponsoring a driver:
1-Origin and copy of
2 valid vehicles ownerships in the name of the sponsor
32-Valid driving license of the driver

Related Post

In case of sponsoring a farmer :
1-Origin and a copy of a farm ownership issued from the municipality

In case of sponsoring a female nurse :
1- Scientific qualification of the sponsored in the nursing profession certified in accordance with assets
2-Medical report of the case from one of the certified medical centers in the state

In case of sponsoring a horse hostler:
1-Horses’ passports

In case of sponsoring a shepherd:
1-Message from the entity concerned with camel racing in the Emirate


1-170 AED entry permit for work issuance fees paid through the (e-form) request in the print offices as follows:
100 AED federal fees -50 AED domestic fees -10 AED knowledge fees -10 AED services fees

2-The inside-state fees are to be paid through an (e-form) if the sponsored is inside the state:
510 AED fees of entry permit issued inside the state as follows :
500 AED entry permit issuance fees of a sponsored inside the state
10 AED knowledge fees

Note:- Add 10 AED bank commission, 10 AED domestic services when paying inside-state fees to the bank clerk

3-1530 AED payable to the bank clerk at the hall as a financial guarantee to be paid back after cancellation of the residency and departure of the sponsored(when the sponsored escapes, the amount is converted to be the travel ticket value) as follows:
1500 AED paid back financial guarantee
10 AED knowledge fees
10 AED domestic services fees
10 AED bank fees

Additional Info:
It is possible to request the mobile phone visas(m-visa) using the virtual online services of some companies

Print an(e-form) request for 20 additional AED and receiving approval by Short Message Service (SMS)

1- The procedure is revised accurately according to the generalizations issued continuously
2-Validity of work entry permit for housemaids is 60 days since the date of issuance and it can be renewed for 2 times
3-The period of work entry permit for housemaids is 60 days and the residency should be confirmed during this period

Precessing Time: one working day

Service Offered Location:
Telephone: 8005111, 0097143139999
Fax: 009713981119
Email Address: : amer AT dnrd.ae

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