Canceling Sponsor’s Residence Visa Only Without Sponsored Persons Dubai : DNRD

Organization : General Directorate of Residency & Foreigners Affairs
Type of Facility : Canceling Sponsor’s Residence Visa Only Without Sponsored Persons
Location/Country : Dubai, UAE

Website :

Canceling Sponsor’s Residence Visa Without Sponsored Persons :

This involves a description of procedures of Naturalization and Residency Administration/Dubai to cancel the visa residence of a labor sponsor or labor sponsor under residency and foreign affairs (partner or investor) without canceling the visa residence of the sponsored persons

Related : DNRD Dubai Renewal of Employment Residence for Housemaids of Citizen Sponsor :

Required Documents:
The documents to be required shall be upon the entity in which he shall work for:
In case of having a work opportunity in the private sector, then the Documents Required shall be :
1.Cancellation applications.
2.Work permit issued from the ministry of labor with the salary certificate from the company or the initial approval from the ministry of labour that the salary not to be less than 3000 AED with accommodation or 4000 AED for the allowable jobs.

In case of having a work opportunity in the governmental or semi-governmental sector, then the Documents Required shall be :
1.Cancellation applications.
2.Salary certificate provided the salary not to be less than 4000 AED and over or 3000 AED + accommodation.

But the other documents are as follow:
The concerned original passport Copy of the sponsored passports with the visa residence, the sponsored should be inside UAE.
Cancellation certificate approved by the ministry of labor ( Private sector )
Or the cancellation applications attested from the General Directorate of residence and foreign affairs (public sector).
The UAE original identity card

12.70 AED cancellation fees to be paid through e-form at the typing centers to be broken down as follows:
13.50 AED cancellation fees
(10) AED Knowledge Dirham.
(10) AED service charges.

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(5030) AED a refundable deposit upon issuing the sponsor a new visa residence , to be broken down as follow:
(5000) AED refundable deposit fees
10 AED bank charges
(10) AED administrative fees.
(10) AED Knowledge Dirham.

130 AED local fees for sponsored closure, broken down as the following :
100 AED local fees
(10) AED administrative fees.
( 10) AED bank charges.
(10) AED Knowledge Dirham.

The penalty fees to be calculated on the local system as per the statement of the public prosecutor as the following:
a.(15) AED cash for each day during the first 6 months , means for (180 days)
b.(30) AED cash for each day during the second 6 months , means for (180 days)
c.(50) AED cash for each day passing after a year or more.
d.Penalty fees on the ministry system
e.(25) AED cash for each day during the first 6 months , means for (180 days)
f.(50) AED cash for each day during the second 6 months , means for (180 days)
g.(100) AED cash for each day passing after a year or more.

Additional Info:
The interim closure procedure on the family passports until amending the sponsor’s status .

The sponsored may not leave the country at the closure period until amending the sponsor’s status and release the interim closure of the sponsored.

The service shall be offered at the following sections to the building employees in charge only:
1- General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs-Dubai General Headquarters Branch -Dubai Police.
2-. General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs-Dubai Municipality Clinic Branch.
3- General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs-Dubai – Dubai Media City Branch.
4- General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs-Dubai- Dubai Financial Center Branch.
5- General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs-Dubai – Rashid Hospital Branch.

Service Offered Location:
Telephone: 8005111
Email Address: :

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