Fixing of Residence Stamp for Helpers/ Similar Dubai : DNRD

Organization : General Directorate of Residency & Foreigners Affairs
Type of Facility : Fixing of Residence Stamp for Helpers/ Similar
Location/Country : Dubai, UAE
Website :

DNRD Fixing of Residence Stamp for Helpers/ Similar

This section explains the procedures followed by residency department to fix the residency stamp for helpers or similar under the resident sponsorship, at the GDRFA.

Related : DNRD Dubai Request for Issuance of Entry Permit for People Who Stay Outside Country :


Required Documents:
1. Application form for fixing of the residency stamp of helpers categories with fees paid through the (E-form) signed by the sponsor. (2) photographs of the sponsored.
2. The original Entry Permit.
3. The original passport of the sponsored.

4. Original valid medical fitness examination or through Online for sponsored.
5. A copy of the passport of the sponsor.
6. The labor contract for the helpers categories or similar signed by both the sponsor and the sponsored.

7. If the sponsor is an employee in the private sector he has to submit:
A copy of the sponsor’s labor contract, with a minimum salary of AED (5000) + accommodation or AED (6000) with the profession condition.

8. If the sponsor works for public sector employees he has to submit a salary certificate or a certificate to whom it may concern to prove his salary to be a minimum of AED (5000) + accommodation or AED (6000).

9. If the sponsor is a partner he has to submit a copy of partnership contract where his partnership shares should not be less than AED (70000).

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10. If the sponsor is an investor and has a professional license, he has to submit the origin and a copy of receipt of financial security deposit.

11. A copy of the ID card or the identity registration form certified by one of the Emirates Identity Authority center.


AED (5080) fixing of residence stamp fees to be paid via (E-form) at the typing offices. Its breakdown is as follows:
** AED (4800) Federal fees.
** AED (100) residence fees (For maximum of one year.)
** AED (100) Fees for issuance of employee card.
** AED (50) Local service fees.
** AED (10) Tariff fees
** AED (10) Knowledge fees.
** AED (10) Typing and authentication fees for the helpers categories or similar.

AED (130) Urgent application fees (optional), its breakdown is as follows:
** AED (100) Local fees.
** AED (20) Bank fees.
** AED (10) Knowledge fees.

AED (20) Zajel service charges for normal transactions (Optional) Classification of the required fees, if the sponsor delays in fixing of his sponsored residence, then fine will be imposed after (60) days from the date of its entry or legal status adjustment. – Fine will be imposed according the Local System as per the Attorney General statement as follows:

** AED (15) (Cash) for each day for the first 6 months, i.e., (180 days).
** AED (30) AED (Cash) for each day during for the second (6) months (180 days).
** AED 50 (Cash) for each day of the one year and above.

However, the ministerial order fine system is as follows:
AED (25) (Cash) for each day up to the first 6 months, i.e., (180 days).
AED (50) (Cash) for each day up to the second (6) months (180 days).
AED (100) Cash for each day after one year and above.

Additional Info:
This service is available at the service centers outside GDRFA. Note: Fine will be imposed after (60) days from the date of its entry or legal status adjustment

Precessing Time: one working day

Service Offered Location:
Telephone: 8005111, 0097143139999
Fax: 009713981119
Email Address: amer AT

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