Imported Food Control E-Services : Saudi Food & Drug Authority

Organization : Saudi Food & Drug Authority
Type of Facility : Imported Food Control E-Services
Country: Saudi Arabia

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Imported Food Control E-Services:

The Electronic Services at the Imported Food Dept. It’s an electronic programs designed to build up & develop a database for all establishments of imported or locally produced foodstuff, including names of domestic and foreign food companies, their authorized agents, warehouses, and food products which are licensed and registered in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Related : Saudi Food & Drug Authority Electronic Services For Animal Feed Control :

The Electronic Services at the Food Sector:
The Electronic Services at the Food Sector It’s an electronic programs designed to build up & develop a database for all establishments of imported or locally produced foodstuff, including names of domestic and foreign food companies, their authorized agents, warehouses, and food products which are licensed and registered in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This E-services allows for all registered food establishments to use:
1 – Data recording (factory – warehouse – wholesale).
2 – Registration of all imported or locally food items.
3 – Use the electronic clearance at the ports.

It is necessary to know that this E-service is not authorized to grant licenses. For example, the registered food establishment is not licensed by the Saudi Food and Drug Authority even if the establishment has been registered in the E-service.

What do you mean by Importer?:
Importer is the commercial or industrial domain (trade file) or (industrial file) importing raw materials for processing food or ready-for-sale food products.

Why is it considered necessary to sign up for the registration system (importers – establishments – products)?:
It is necessary for the following reasons:
** Provides a database for all importers, establishments, and products.
** Enables you to process your work easily and quickly.
** Improves communication between SFDA and importers as well as food establishment.

How to sign up for the system?:
You can sign up through the following steps:
1. Go to the following link:
2. Click on “create a new account”
3. Set up a user name and a password.
4. Select the type of establishment.
5. Fill out the registration form and click on “submit”.
6. A message will be sent to your email containing an activation code.
7. After your account is activated, you can complete your registration.
8. Submit the form.

What are the documents required to be available when you register in the system?:
Saudi Local Importer:
1. Commercial Certificate.
2. Authentication Letter click here

Custom Broker:
1- Saudi Custom Broker License.
2. Authentication Letter click here

Foreign Est.:
1. Registration Certificate.(Issued By the Governmental Health Authority)
2. Industrial Certificate.(Issued By Ministry of Industry or Commerce)

After signing up, what shall I do next?:
Once registration is completed, a request to confirm registration will be sent to the applicant via email. The SFDA decision regarding the application will be emailed to the applicant and it shall take the following responses:
Accepted: your request has been accepted.
Incomplete: the applicant is requested to complete the missing information within a week to avoid cancellation.
Rejected: your request has been rejected because it contains false information or because of non-compliance.

Is it possible for me to use SFDA logo or my right to sign up for the registration system as a means to promote a product?:
It is strictly prohibited to use SFDA’s logo for these purposes, and such violation may result in legal prosecution and execution of severe penalties as stated in the law.

Is it possible for me to sign up several times for the different services provided by SFDA?:
YES, if using different trade files.

Is it possible to delete from my profile a registered product which I no longer import?:
You cannot delete a registered product, but you are not obliged to continue importing such product.

Is it possible to add new types of products to my list of registered products?:
YES, even after while.

What am I supposed to do in order to use the BIP clearance service?:
First, you have to open an account in the SFDA. Secondly, you need to register the type of product(s). Then, you can use the service.

Is it possible to refer the consignments to the customs brokers I normally deal with?:
YES. You can refer each case to a different broker.

Do my customs brokers have to sign up for the system?:

What shall be done if the broker, to which the case is submitted by the importer, does not have an account?:
You should ask your broker to sign up. It is better to check whether he has registered before you assign him the case.

Does the system allow for importing a commodity for which more than one bill is shown on the import statement?:

What shall be done if the actual amount of consignment imported is inconsistent with the amount indicated in the bill of entry?:
The broker is requested to change it into the actual amount.

What shall be done if a remaining amount is destined to arrive in a future shipment?:
Sign up as a new applicant using the same values you previously entered while changing the amounts upon the arrival of the shipment.

When and where to apply for a clearance?:
This service is provided around the clock. All you need is to have an online access. The submission of documents and inspection takes place at BIP during the working hours of the respective port.

What is the expected role of the customs broker?:
He links the importer’s application with the date and statement of import and the designated port. He also processes, prints and submits the application, along with the necessary documents, to the inspection department at the port.

Is it possible for me to have an online access to the imported product examination results?:

Is the customs broker the only point of communication with SFDA?:
NO. SFDA will communicate directly with the importer.

What shall I do when importing a food product for personal use and I do not have a trade file?:
You are required to sign up in SFDA website, entering your National ID or Iqama, the type of product(s) and then you can carry on with the inspection and examination procedures.

Who should sign up for the establishment registration system?:
It must be done by a person who has sufficient background about the technical and administrative information necessary to complete the registration and is officially assigned by the establishment.

Are all overseas exporting premises required to sign up?:

Are overseas exporting premises required to register all the products they manufacture?:
NO. This is a requirement that only the importer must meet prior to importation.

What is the point in registering overseas premises?:
It facilitates the flow of goods from overseas premises to the BIPs.

What does importer registration e-service mean?:
It is an online service which aims at building up a database for all food establishments, including companies, manufacturers, agents, and local wholesale distributors.

What entities are required to sign up for the establishment registration service?:
The following are required to sign up:
** Food companies.
** Food manufacturers.
** Domestic agents.
** Wholesale distributors.

If a food establishment has an existing registration account in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the Ministry of Municipality, does it still have to sign up for the service?:

Why is it necessarily important to sign up for the service?:
For the following reasons:
** It enables registered establishments to use SFDA Food Sector E-services.
** It enhances communication between SFDA and those who benefits from E-services.

Does the profile of the registered establishment have to be updated from time to time?:
YES. If you change your contact details.

Where can I get tariff item number (HS-CODE) of the product?:
You may be obtained from several sources (the manufacturing company – customs broker – Department of Customs).

What is the HS CODE or tariff item?:
Is a number consisting of 8 digits and is used to define the classification of products with the Customs Department.

Got a tariff item is less than 8 digits, Is it accepted by the system?:
System does not accept any item tariff is less than 8 digits.

Do I need to enter the data described HS2 and HS4 and HS6 and HS8?:
No. Description will appear directly from the system.

If the description does not appear HS8. What does it mean?:
This means that you’ve entered the wrong HS number.

Is there any change of the tariff for the year 2012?
Yes, have been modified by the Customs Department has been modified in the body system as well.

Do I need to fill all the fields for the registration of products?:
Yes, as long as information is available to you or you can get from the manufacturer.

What is the image of card product?:
Is the picture of the whole product data envelope before printing (ArtWork).

How do I get the best picture of the card product?:
From the manufacturer.

What do you mean in the product?:
Is just an image of the product after packaging (snap shot).

What is the number of credit or the Approval No.?:
Is the number of adoption of the manufacturing company in the country issued by a governmental regulatory.

What is the drained weight?:
Is the weight of solid food material of the net weight (solid + liquid) and are always less than the net weight.

What are the fields of countries?:
Country of origin: the country that originated from the raw material. Country of production: the country that has been manufacturing the product. Packing country: the country that have been filling the product without any manufacturing processes on the product.

What if the data differed in the mandate of the Registrar in the system?:
Application shall be rejected.

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