Issuance of Conformity Certificate of Energy Drinks United Arab Emirates : ESMA

Organization : Emirates Authority For Standardization & Metrology
Type of Facility : Issuance of Conformity Certificate of Energy Drinks
Country: United Arab Emirates
Website : http://www.esma.gov.ae/en-us/Services/TAM/Pages/Energy-Drink.aspx

ESMA Issuance of Conformity Certificate of Energy Drinks

Service Type:
Subsidiary procedural service

Related : ESMA Issuance of Conformity Certificate for Detergents UAE : www.statusin.org/10321.html

Service Provider:
Conformity Affairs Department


Issuance of certificate of conformity assure the compliance of Energy Drinks products with the requirements of the approved standards and the production system is complying with the requirements and others specified in the technical regulation by Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology.


** Application for Registration 600.
** Issuance of Certificate of Conformity 500. Document Review Fee / Per Hour 400.
** Renewal of Certificate 200. Replacement of lost Certificate 100.
** Authentication of Copies of the Certificate 50.
** Declaration of Product Status (Mandatory/Non-mandatory) 200.
** Assessment Fee ECAS / per Man-Day 2500.
** Issuing a Certificate of Conformity Valid for 3 months 300
** Issuing a Certificate of Conformity for each shipment 300.

Registration Requirements

1. Application form (Online).
2. Valid Industry/Trade License (For Companies within UAE).
3. Declaration of Conformity by the Applicant on the Product(s) for Registration using the Applicant’s Official Letterhead.
4. Test Report (as per the requirement of UAE.S/GSO 1926:2009 valid for 3 years.
5. Proof of Exclusive Distributorship form the manufacturer in case the applicant is a trader or an agent.
6. Health certificate documented and approved by the competent authorities in the country of origin to prove that the product is fit for human consumption.
7. Certificate of origin.
8. Halal Certificate from approved body by UAE, this certificate must authenticate from ministry of environment
9. Controlled Copy of relevant (FSMS) Manual (Soft Copy/in CD/DVD)
10. Document shows that this factory has an effective FSMS.
11. List additives used with mentioning of chemical name and trade name for each additive, also percentage of each additives.
12. Product Label.
13. Declaration of safe daily intake
14. Fees

Service Steps & Procedures

The applicant submit the application through the website along with the documents specified above under the registration requirements of the service

Related Post

Service Channel:
ESMA website

The Average Period For Service Completion:
10 working days

Target Audience:
Traders and Manufacturer of Energy Drinks.

Availability Of The Service:
Working hours : 7:30 – 2:30 from Sunday -Thursday – ESMA Website 24/7


When was ESMA established?
ESMA is Federal UAE Authority established by UAE Federal law (28) 2001.

What is ECAS?
Emirates Conformity Assessment Scheme is a system of combining assessment of Conformity and Certification of products. It is applicable for locally manufactured regulated products. Moreover, exporter of the regulated products could request to obtain a Certification of Conformity upon their own request.

What is the UAE Quality Mark?
The UAE product Certification Scheme is a third part national certification scheme being implemented by ESMA where the scheme shall grant the use of the emirates Mark of Conformity (“Al Alama”)to the product that demonstrate the compliance to this general requirements ,the relevant specific requirements and the relevant UAE national standards or other acceptable standards.

What are the services that provided by ESMA?
ESMA provide variety of standardization services such as the Emirates Quality Mark Scheme, Conformity & Certification Scheme and the Emirates National Accreditation System (ENAS)

Is the certificate issued by a ENAS accredited laboratory will be recognized in other emirates?
Yes as ENAS is the only federal accreditation body of UAE, the certificate is issued under the laboratory’s scope of accreditation then the certificate should be recognized in all Emirates.


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