gcaa.gov.ae Aerodrome Certification & Registry United Arab Emirates : General Civil Aviation Authority

Organization : General Civil Aviation Authority
Type of Facility : Aerodrome Certification & Registry
Country: United Arab Emirates
Website : https://www.gcaa.gov.ae/Pages/index.aspx

GCAA Aerodrome Certification & Registry

In order to discharge its overall responsibility under the Convention, UAE has enacted basic legislation that will provide for the development and promulgation of aerodrome regulations (CAR IX), consistent with ICAO Annexes.

Related : General Civil Aviation Authority GCAA Aerodrome Certificate Request UAE : www.statusin.org/10360.html

This service has been settled for the inclusion of a requirement for the certification of aerodromes in the CAR IX which in return will ensure that aerodrome operators can meet their obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions of the aerodrome certificate.

Applicable For Customers:


Application: the Applicant shall submit an application through the E-Services system at least 26 weeks before the requested target date for initial Aerodrome Certification as per requirements stipulated in PART IX and CAAP 30. This step will include meeting with the applicant and submission of an Aerodrome Certification Plan.

Review: The GCAA will review all documentation for initial Aerodrome Certification. The review will included assessment of the Aerodrome Manual, the Aerodrome Manual Checklist, Aerodrome certification Plan, Applicant’s Self-Assessment to ensure that all requirements including security and emergency planning requirmeent and any requirements relating to provision of Air Navigation Services have been satisfied or necessary processes have been formally initiated. The verification of compliance will be also conducted during audits and teh applicant will be required to provide an action plan with timescales to rectify or mitigate all findings to a level acceptable to the GCAA.

Issue of Aerodrome Certificate: The GCAA will only issue an Aerodrome Certificate, when the GCAA is completely satisfied that all regulatory and critical safety elements have been adequately addressed; this may require a further GCAA audit / inspection follow-up visit and / or special additional operating approvals. This includes evidence of any prior approvals or permissions.

Delivery of Aerodrome Certificate: Collection shall be at GCAA Abu Dhabi Office as informed by the GCAA.

Record: The Applicant will provide all documents required for filing purposes.


** To access the eservice, it is required to first login to the GCAA Website.

Related Post

** If you are a new user (organization or individual) and visiting GCAA website to access an eservice, you must register first by pressing the “Sign Up” link found on the top most bar of GCAA Website.

** Fill the user registration form by providing all the required information and submit.
** After submission you will receive an automated email notification containing your credentials to login on the GCAA Website.
** Once you get the credentials, press the “Login” link found on the top navigation bar of the web page besides “Sign Up” link.

** Enter the User Name and password which was received from GCAA.
** Press the “LOGIN” button to sign into the GCAA website and navigate to service catalogue page to access the required eservice.

Required Documents

** Aerodrome Certification Plan
** ANF-CTF-003

** approvals, permits, or clearances from other Relevant Authorities (if applicable)
** evidence of payment of the GCAA Service Fee

** acceptance of the terms and conditions of holding and maintaining an Aerodrome Certificate as detailed in CAR Part IX, Chapter 2 (included as part of the e-Service application)

** Self-Assessment against the Aerodrome Certification Plan

** All security and emergency planning requirements and any requirements relating to provision of Air Navigation Services have been satisfied or necessary processes have been formally initiated.

Fees Details:
150K AED on Application /Initial Issue
100K AED annual fees

Payments can be made in to the following means;.
** Cash/ Cheque / Credit Card at GCAA Counter (Dubai/ Abu Dhabi)
** Bank transfer to GCAA Bank Account
** Online Payment though Credit Card (1.85% additional charge applicable)

Please Note:-
** In case of online payment take note of the reference number starting with ICR***** displayed by the system immediately after confirmation of the payment. This will help to trace the transaction in future.
** In case of bank transfer, complete bank details shall be provided along with notification mail after completion of the application.

Please go through the GCAA refund policy before making the payment. (Click here to view the refund policy)

Access and Delivery Time:
10 weeks

Tags: gcaa.gov.ae
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