pension.gov.ae Entity Registration Online : Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund

Organization : Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund
Type of Facility : Entity Registration Online
Country: United Arab Emirates

Website : https://www.pension.gov.ae/ar-ae/pages/default.aspx

Entity Registration Online :

This service allows all entities operating at the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to be registered with the fund. Therefore the entity & their registered employees can benefit from the fund’s pension scheme.

Related : Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund Entity Registration Online : https://www.statusin.org/10362.html

Please follow the steps below :
** Fill the Entity Registration Form
** Provide the Pension Fund with all required documents
** Receive a registration confirmation letter from the Fund

General documents to be attached:
** A copy of the trade license
** A copy of the Commercial Register’s certificate with ADCCI
** A copy of the Law or decree incorporating the entity
** A copy of the Signature Authorization
** A copy of the Articles and memorandum of association
** A copy of any other license

A complete “Entity Registration” form must be typed in Arabic or English languages. The form must be signed by the manager in charge, as mentioned in the “Signature Authorization”.

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For any issues related to website, please contact the Fund via call centre:
+971 2 4140131 or Email: wshelp@pension.gov.ae

The Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions and Benefits Fund (ADRPBF) is an important entity of the Abu Dhabi Government. It was founded in 2000 to manage contributions, pensions and end-of-service benefits for UAE nationals working in or retired from the government, semi- Government and private sectors in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and their beneficiaries.

Contact ADRPBF:
Abu Dhabi Retirement Pension and Benefits Fund
Airport Road
P.O. Box 3122
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

Are pensions deductible?What are the limits of such deduction?
Pensions may be subject to deduction in order to settle the following debts only :
** The debt of a lawful alimony adjudged by courts.
** Debt payable to the Fund.
** Debt payable to the Employer/Entity.
** Total deduction shall not exceed 25% of the pension, and priority of deduction shall be in accordance with the above list.

Are the children of a working woman and spouse, if a ciizen or non citizen, eligible to a retirement & pension after the death ?
Yes, the children of a deceased working woman is entitled to a retirement pension, while her husband, whether citizen or not, will be entitled if he does not work and a statement of case is to be presented by the court.

Are there any additional charges imposed on the employer ?
Additional charges are imposed on the employer in the following cases :
** If the entity does not register the eligible employees at the Fund within 10 days from their joining date.
** If the entity fails to upload the monthly contribution sheet within the first 7 working days of the following month in which the contributions are due.

** If the entity fails to pay contributions within the first 20 days of the following month in which the contributions are due.
** If the entity fails to submit employee’s End of Service request within 10 days of the employees termination.
** If the entity provided wrong information/Update

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