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All posts from Supplier Registration Oman : Ministry of Defence Office of Secretary General

Organization : Ministry of Defence Office of Secretary General
Type of Facility : Supplier Registration
Country: Oman

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How To Do MOD Oman Supplier Registration?

Follow the below steps for Ministry of Defence Office of Secretary General (MODUS) Supplier Registration. Application for registration to become a supplier of MOD Oman. After registration, you are able to participate in tender bids, request for information and request for quotations.

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Related / Similar Facility : MOCI Oman Commercial Name Availability Check

Apply for Registration as a supplier of MOD

Steps to follow to request the service:
A. Process Steps:
Request for registration as MOD supplier will be submitted via the official MOD Supplier Portal. The applicant shall enter information in the website, and shall attach documents that are required to process the request. The application will be received by the concerned department in MOD and shall be approved. Thereafter, MOD shall inform the supplier of the approval and shall send to the applicant a unique supplier registration number via email.

B. List all forms/applications that need to be completed to apply for the service:
Application form online

Who Can Apply For MOD Oman Supplier Registration?

All local and foreign companies wishing to become suppliers of MOD.

Documents Required For MOD Oman Supplier Registration

Following documents are required for MOD Oman Supplier Registration

What documents are need to process:
** Copy of commercial registration
** Official letter from company to request for registration
** Official letter from bank confirming bank account details of company

How the service is processed: The service is fully automated
How long will it take: Three working days
Fees to be paid: Free

Supplier portal of the Ministry of Defence, Oman :
** If you are not registered with MOD Oman and would like to do so,follow the steps below and proceed to the registration page.
** If you are already registered and have a supplier number with you, you can request a login access to the supplier portal here
** If you already have a login access to the supplier portal you can proceed to access the portal .

Step 1 :
** Review the general requirement to register as MOD Oman supplier.
If you are a local company, the following documents are required in order to register :
A. Application Registration Letter (View sample format )
B. Official Letter from Bank (View sample format )
C. Valid Chamber of Commerce Certificate(View sample format )
D. A complete set of valid Commercial Registration Documents(View sample format )

If you are a foreign company (not registered with Oman Ministry of Commerce and Industries), you need to submit the following document along with the registration information:
A. Application Registration Letter (View sample format )

Step 2 :
Review the checklist of required pieces of information in order to register online :
A. General company information including Company name
B. Company address
C. Email address
D. Product and services information
E. Supplier documents as outlined in step 1
F. If you are a company offering consultancy services OR a company offering construction services, please refer Step 3 for additional requirements.

Step 3 :
If you are a company offering consultancy services OR a company offering construction services, you need to submit additional information about your company in a form which can be downloaded from below links.
A. If you are a company offering consultancy services Click Here
B. If you are a company offering construction services Click Here
** The above document has to be attached along with documents mentioned in Step 1.

Step 4 :
** If you have all pieces of information, you can proceed to register

Important Note:
Please make sure you submit all the documents outlined above to avoid your request being rejected.

Add a Comment
  1. What is the document called ‘Application registration Letter’ to be submitted durin registration process ?

  2. how to get application form of supplier registration in MOD Oman

  3. we have been trying to register with MOD PORTAL unfortunately its more then one year and succeed until now.

    Also we tried again many times but we still unable to register.

    Kindly lets us know what is wrong please.

  4. Al Wahaibi international eng ser

    Dear Sir,
    We are unable to log in MOD’s supplier Portal
    we have already registered
    Please do let us know the issues
    Thanks and Regards
    Raseed 95190597

  5. i am a speciality supplier rose banfield refurbish scimitars ,swords ,knives and bayonets back to parade or combat quality and at 40% of buying new

  6. Dear Sir,
    We are unable to log in MOD’s supplier Portal
    we have already registered
    Our User Name is S17153
    Please do let us know the issues
    Thanks and Regards

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