Department of Economic Development DED : How to start a new Business in the Emirates of Abu Dhabi

Organization : Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development
Type of Facility : How to start a new Business in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi ?
Country: United Arab Emirates
Website : https://ded.abudhabi.ae/en/our-services/service-guide/start-new-business

DED How to start a Business in he Emirate of Abu Dhabi

Welcome to the Department of Economic Development website. We are pleased to furnish you with a detailed layout of how to start a new business license in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Related : Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development DED Commercial License Renewal : www.statusin.org/10386.html

This section provides you with information on requirements and procedures for starting a new business license, in compliance with rules and regulations set by the Department of Economic Development.

There are six steps for Starting Business in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi:
** Determining the New Activity.
** Determining the Legal Form.
** Registration of Trade Name.
** Issuance of an Initial Approval.
** Obtaining Approvals of Concerned Authorities.
** Issuance of License.

1. Determining the Economic Activity:
In order to start the procedures for issuing a business license, the type of activity/activities to be practiced must be specified. Requirements, conditions and fees differ according to the type and nature of activity, provided that some activities have special conditions and specifications related to the location (place and area), which means that they can only be practiced in some locations with special conditions.

In line with international intents to standardize economic activities, the Department of Economic Development in Abu Dhabi has adopted the “International Standard Industrial Classification” of all economic activities (ISIC4) issued by the United Nations, which has become an important tool in the comparison of statistical data on economic activities at the international level.

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2. Determining the Legal Form:
There is a range of legal forms that commensurate with the needs of business activities in Abu Dhabi (such as an establishment, a limited liability company … etc), where laws, requirements and conditions of the legal forms differ according to the nature of the business.

3. Registration of Trade Name:
After determining the activity and legal form, a trade name must be chosen for the facility to distinguish it from other facilities, and it must appropriately suit the nature of the activity and its legal form.

4. Issuance of an Initial Approval:
The Initial approval is a certificate which entitles the investor to proceed ahead with procedures for obtaining the business license, and apply for obtaining required approvals of relevant authorities to practice economic activities.

The Initial approval is the stage, which precedes issuance of the business license, and it starts after approval of trade names. The initial approval does not allow the concerned person to practice the activity, unless a commercial license is issued.

The Documents required to issue the initial approval:
** Obtaining the approved trade name.
** Obtaining the approval of the Department of Naturalization and Residence for foreign investors.
** Copies of valid passports.
** Copies of valid Emirates ID.
** Payment of prescribed fees
** Collecting the Initial approval certificate.

5. Obtaining Approvals of Concerned Authorities:
Upon obtaining the Initial approval, you will be entitled to approach concerned authorities to get required approvals after fulfillment of terms and conditions. The issuing entity is determined depending on the type of activity to be practiced. Some governmental entities offer electronic services that allow you to follow up the application online.

You can follow up your application online with the following entities:
** Supreme Petroleum Council
** Department of Transport
** Abu Dhabi Municipality – Public Health Division – Al Ain
** General Authority of Youth & Sports Welfare
** Abu Dhabi Municipality – Public Health Division – Western Region
** Abu Dhabi Municipality – Public Health Division – Abu Dhabi
** Abu Dhabi Chamber
** Abu Dhabi Sewerage Service Company
** Waste Management Center
** General Directorate of Civil Defense
** Abu Dhabi Environment Health and Safety Center
** Abu Dhabi Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training
** Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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