ERMIS Greece : Issue of Passport

Organization : National Passport Center
Type of Facility : Issue of Passport
Country : Greece

Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr

Issue of Passport :

Involved Entities:
Municipal Rolls [Municipalities And Communities]

Related : Ministry of Interior Acquisition of Greek Citizenship ERMIS Greece : www.statusin.org/10408.html

Processing Time:
The passport is issued within 3 working days from the receipt of the necessary documents. For special cases, a passport may be issued within a single day.

Cost: Issuing duties :
For a passport of five year duration a duty of nominal value 22 Euros +20% OGA =26.40 Euros in total. For the rest of the passports for every year of validity a duty of nominal value 4 Euros +20% OGA=4.80 Euro per year.

Procedure and required supporting documents for issuing a passport (Exclusive competence of Hellenic Police since 01-01-2006).

General Documents:
** A recent (last month) color digital photo 4×6 cm. of specified technical specifications
** Application for issue of passport
** Booklet duty (45 €)
** Copy of the two sides of the Identity Card
** Issuing duties
** Postal stamp duties (5 €)
** Solemn Declaration L. 1599/1986
** (Obligatory Document)

Citizens visit the Passport Office (Reception Office) of the respective Police Department in order to apply for the issuing of passport, presenting the required documentation.

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Step 1: Reception Offices check the documents you are submitting and whether the passport issue conditions are met. In case your request is rejected the applicant is notified by the reception office by means of personal letter and the amount paid for duty stamps is returned.

Step 2: The supporting documents are forwarded to the Central Service for issuing passports by courier.

Step 3: The Central Service issue the passport within 3 working days from the receipt of all necessary documents.

Step 4: The new passport is sent in the same way (courier) to the Service, where the application was submitted.

The applicant collects the passport from Reception Office, in person or by proxy, presenting the receipt for the submission of the supporting documents.

Notes and Clarifications:
Since 26-08-2006 security specifications are increased in Greek Passports issued by Hellenic Police, since in the hardcopy of the passport booklet a specially configured microchip is integrated for the digital identification of the holder. The microchip will contain the digital photo of the holder and the MRZ zone details of the passport. (MRZ: it is the machine readable zone found underneath the photo of the holder). For this reason, by Joint Ministerial Decision of the Ministry of Finance and Economy and the Ministry of Public Order the price for the booklet (hardcopy) is readjisted as well as the price of the materials required for issuing the new electronic passports, at forty five (45) Euros against twenty five (25) Euros that is today.

Consequently, the applications of Greek citizens submitted from 25-08-2006 will be charged with the aforementioned fee. In any case, the date of issuing of the supporting documents may not be more than 6 months from the submission date. Note that, upon the submission of the supporting documents of the reception offices, the applicant must be present himself. The supporting documents for the minors are submitted by their parents in the present of the minor. If only one of the parents is present the written consent of the other is required.

In cases of grave health problems certified by State Hospitals, an employee of the Service visits the applicant in order to collect the documentation. Passports having been issued since 1-1-2006 by the Hellenic Police validly apply until their expiry date. In case of theft or loss of passport, the same documentation is submitted as referred to here above, together with the certification of the Authority to which the theft or loss was declared. In case of renewal or replacement, together with the documentation referred to here-above, the old passport must also be submitted.

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