Visas For Foreigners Travelling To Greece : ERMIS

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Type of Facility : Visas For Foreigners Travelling To Greece
Country: Greece

Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr

Visas For Foreigners Travelling To Greece:

Greece follows the Schengen Agreement provisions and the subsequent acquis concerning short term visa issues.

Related : ERMIS Greece Issue of Passport : www.statusin.org/10410.html

Countries applying the Schengen acquis in full (EU countries:
Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, plus associated countries: Iceland and Norway) follow a common visa policy for short-term stays of up to three (3) months in the Schengen area.

The citizens of these countries are not subjected to border controls within the common area (airlines or other carriers require identification – I.D. Card or passport or any other piece of identification issued by a public authority).

The attached document contains a list of:
E.U. and other European countries whose citizens do not need a visa to enter Greece (and the Schengen area).

Related Post

Non E.U. countries whose citizens wish to visit Greece (and the Schengen area), have a regular passport and stay up to 3 months (90 days) within a six (6) month period and a visa is required for them.

Citizens of the following EU and other European countries do not need a visa to enter Greece (and the Schengen area). They have only to produce a passport or an I.D. card at the border:
** Bulgaria
** Cyprus
** CzechRepublic
** Estonia
** Ireland
** Latvia
** Lichtenstein
** Lithuania
** Hungary
** Malta
** Poland
** Romania
** Slovakia
** Slovenia
** Switzerland
** United Kingdom

For holders of regular passports of the following countries who wish to visit Greece (and the Schengen area) and stay up to 3 months (90 days) within a six (6) month period,no visa is required:
** Andorra
** Argentina
** Australia
** Brazil
** Brunei Darussalam
** Canada
** Chile
** Costa Rica
** The Holy See (Vatican)
** Croatia
** El Salvador
** Guatemala
** Honduras
** Israel
** Japan
** Malaysia
** Mexico
** Monaco
** New Zealand
** Panama
** Paraguay
** San Marino
** Singapore
** South Korea
** USA
** Uruguay
** Venezuela
** Nicaragua

Certificate of non deportation of a foreigner who has submitted an application for naturalization
Involved Entities: Labor Directorates [Prefectural Governments]
Cost: Zero
Legal Framework: L. 3370/1975 as has been modified by the L. 1438/84 – RD 339/65
Description :
** Required supporting documents for issuing a certificate of non deportation of a foreigner who has submitted an application for naturalization.

General Documents :
** Application for issuing a certificate of non deportation of a foreigner who has submitted an application for naturalization
** Valid residence permit
** Alternatively an foreigner`s identity card is produced or the certificate of permanent and valid residence.

Special travelling document (TDV) for refugees – stateless persons :
Involved Entities: Agricultural Insurances Organization (OGA)
Cost: From 5.28 € up to 21.13 €, depending on the case
Legal Framework: Geneva Convention 1951
Description :
** Required supporting documents for issuing a special travelling document (TDV) for refugees – stateless persons (Geneva Convention 1951).

General Documents :
** 2 recent photos
** Application for issuing a special travelling document (TDV) for refugees – stateless persons
** Specific Documents
** Written consent of the parents or the guardian of a minor below 18 years of age

Tags: ermis.gov.gr
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