ERMIS Greece : Licence for Establishment of Secondary/Higher Education

Organization : Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning & Religious Affairs
Type of Facility : Licence for Establishment of Secondary/Higher Education
Country: Greece

Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr
Education :

Licence for Establishment of Secondary/Higher Education :

Supportive teaching of secondary education syllabus subjects

Related : ERMIS Greece Licence For Home Tutoring :

Competent Entity: Ministry Of Education, Lifelong Learning And Religious Affairs
Service Code: 6064
Processing Time: L egal deadlines (50 days)
Cost: 150 € fee for EIG (3444) issued by the Internal Revenue Service A 15 € fee (Internal Revenue Service)

Legal Framework :
Law 2545/1940 (Gazette of the Hellenic Republic 287 ’) Law 284/1968 (Gazette of the Hellenic Republic 32 ’) P D 211/1994 (Gazette of the Hellenic Republic 132 ’) P D 394/1997 (Gazette of the Hellenic Republic 278 ’) PD 372/1998 (Gazette of the Hellenic Republic 254 ’) Ministerial Decision 38756/D5/2005 (Gazette of the Hellenic Republic 566 )

General Documents:
** A certificate issued by a Primary Health Service confirming that the applicant is healthy and able-bodied.
** An affirmed statement

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** In the affirmed statement must be stated the following :’’I am not prevented by any impediments or incompatibilities as well as any limitations , as these are defined by the provisions of articles 11 and 68 of the Emergency Law 2545/1940’’, that is: a) I am not a civil servant b) I do not work in the private education sector c) I do not have a spouse or a relative , who he/she works at the public education at the region_____ of the office of _____the Directorate , as a teacher at a state school d) I was not dismissed from a state education service or authority e)) I am not a subject of criminal proceedings

** (Obligatory Document)
** Application Form
** Copy of ID card

Official supporting documents:
** A certificate issued by the Recruitment Office (Type A )
** In the certificate issued by the Recruitment Office (Type A ) must be stated stated that male applicants have served their military service or have legally been exempted from it (application sent by the Directorates or Offices of Secondary Education)
** Copy of criminal record for judicial use (application sent by the Directorates or Offices of Secondary Education)

1. A higher education institution degree
2. The applicant is not a civil servant
3. The applicant does not work in t he private education sector
4. The applicant does not own another preparatory school
5. The applicant does not have a spouse or a relative, who he/she is the owner or a director of a private school or preparatory school does not work at the region_____ of the office of _____the directorate , as a teacher at a state school
6. The applicant has not dismissed from a state education service or authority
7. The applicant is not a subject of criminal proceedings
8. The applicant has served his military service
9. The applicant is healthy and able-bodied

All documents are submitted the Directorates or Offices of Secondary Education. The license is renewed annually by the Directorates or Offices of Secondary Education

Notes and Clarifications:
Responsible authority for provision:Directorates and Offices of Secondary Education

Responsible authority for complaints:Directorate of Private Education in the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs

Categories: Greece
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