Issuing Natural Person Income Tax Clearance Note By KEP Greece : ERMIS

Organization : Ministry of Finance
Type of Facility : Issuing Natural Person Income Tax Clearance Note By KEP
Country: Greece

Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr

Issuing Natural Person Income Tax Clearance Note By KEP:

Description of the procedure for the automatic search for the issue of a natural person income tax clearance note by KEP. Moreover, the relevant application form that has to be submitted by the interested parties, is given.

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General Documents:
** Application for the issuing of natural person income tax clearance note by KEP
** (Obligatory Document)

Citizens visit the KEP of their choice to apply for the issue of a natural person income tax clearance note by KEP, presenting the required documentation

Step 1:
The KEP employee receives and checks the documents that are presented by the citizen. If, during check, a missing or uncomplete document is discovered, the employee informs the citizen and refrains from submitting the Application.

Step 2:
The employee fills in the electronic Application and creates a new folder in the KEP Information System. The citizen has the possibility, if he wishes it, to declare his mobile phone number and thus to be informed by SMS for the complemetion of the request. Finally, the employee hands to the citizen a request submission certificate in which the number of the request file is written.

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Step 3: The Employee of the KEP sends to the Competent Entity the file of the case (which includes both the application and the supporting documents) in one of the accepted ways (email, fax, courier, post, etc).

Step 4:
The employee of the KEP receives the final Document immediately from the Competent Entity and notifies the citizen (via sms or telephone) for him to come and take it.

Citizens visit the KEP and receive Natural person income tax clearance note by KEP.

Notes and Clarifications:
We inform you that the General Secretariat for Information Systems of the Ministry of Finance and Economy, in performing the aforementioned relevant decision, has completed successfully the procedures for the development of the Application of Automatic Issuing of Tax Clearance Note by the KEP. The KEPs that are certified for the respective Service of Tax Clearance Note Provision, will have access to the new Service from Monday, December 22, 2003.

Within 24hours from the moment the application is submitted, the services coming under the application field of article 1 of the said decision have to search for the certificate acting ex officio, in the cases where this is required for the completion of the administrative procedures of its competence, using a certified fax machine. The said certificate is validated by the service to which it is sent, according to the stipulations of section 2 of the content of the decision.

The services coming under the application field of par. 1 of article 1 of the present decision, have to complete, until the date of the enforcement of the said decision, the required fax machine certification actions for sending applications and receiving the certificate included in article 1, according to the stipulations of No. POL 1144/25.4.2000 decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance and the No. 1039904/2430/0016?/25.4.2000 decision of the same, as they have been modified with the No. 2078/0030(GG 1171/?14.8.2003) decision of the Minister of Economy and Finance, in application of article 5 of L. 3242/2004.

It is automatically searched (GG issue ? 726/30.05.2005) by the operational units of the Ministries, of the independent public Services, organisations of Local Government of 1st and 2nd degree, of the Public Law Legal persons, competent for the issue of the final administrative acts.

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