ERMIS Greece : Announcement Concerning Practice of Profession of Optician

Organization : Ministry of Health & Social Solidarity
Type of Facility : Announcement Concerning Practice of Profession of Optician
Country: Greece

Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr

Announcement Concerning Practice of Profession of Optician:

Procedure and required documents for the profession of optician.

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General Documents:
** A photocopy of identity card or any item identifier.
** Aliens of Greek descent from Albania present a Special identity card of expatriate (EDTO), while aliens of Greek descent from Cyprus and Turkey an Identity Card of L. 1975/1991 (article 17) and L. 4310/1999 (article 32 par. 2).
** Application – Solemn Declaration announced optical profession.
** (Obligatory Document)
** Copy of Degree Institute work rate or decision issued by the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious diploma or a copy abroad with an official translation and transaction rate, and this correspondence issued by the competent services identification (??? or ?OATA?)
** Stamp duty 29, 35 €
** Stamp duty from Tax Office (7.63 €)
** Two (2) Photos

Official supporting documents:
** Copy of the criminal record certificate for general use.
** Failing a copy from the criminal record is then required the submission of an equivalent document issued from a relevant court or administrative authority of the country of origin or provenance, which will satisfy the requirements. If the country of origin or provenance does not provide such a document, in that case this may be replaced by a declaration on oath, or in countries where there is no provision for declaration on oath, by a solemn declaration – made by the person concerned before a competent judicial or administrative authority or, where appropriate, a notary in the country of origin or the country whence that person comes, that certify the declaration on oath, or the formal declaration. Documents issued according to the above-mentioned procedure must not be submitted later than three months after their date of issue.

Specific Documents:
** (For Foreign nationals of foreign origin and citizenship:) Residence permit
** (For foreign nationals of foreign origin and citizenship:) Work Permit.
** For nationals of countries – members of the European Union: Residence permit
** For nationals of Greek descent from Turkey and Cyprus an identification card is required under Article 17 Law 1975/91 and paragraph 2 of Article 36 of Law 4310/92. d) For nationals of Greek descent from Albania the Special Identification Card (EDTO) is required

Citizen comes to the choice of KEP to apply for the practice of the profession of optician providing the necessary documentation.

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Step 1: The KEP employee receives and checks the documents that are presented by the citizen. If, during check, a missing or uncomplete document is discovered, the employee informs the citizen and refrains from submitting the Application.

Step 2: ADS delivers the official confirmation to the citizen a request stating the reference number of the request.

Step 3: The KEP employee shall notify the competent institution of the case file (which contains the application and supporting documents).

Step 4: The service will check if the collected legal requirements if prokytpei assistance from the information submitted. After the quarter is presumed that the profession is practiced freely. The individual in the case of tacit approval and if requested by a certificate from the competent authority for the adoption of the Act administrative authority in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 10 of Law 3230/2004 (GG 44/A/11-2-2004 ) may be received in the way he has set.

Citizen whose application has successfully handled by the department and if they are requested to provide statements for the profession of optician and has been declared as a receipt of a KEP / EKE comes to it and receives the certificate.

Notes and Clarifications:
Authority responsible for handling :
Health And Care Administrations [Prefectural Governments]

Competent authority for complaints/assistance:
Health And Care Administrations [Prefectural Governments]

Processing Time:
Within three months after the announcement to practise the profession, the Authority may prohibit its exercise, if their legal requirements are not met or the documents submitted are not complete. After that period without action is presumed that the profession shall be practiced freely (article 3 of Law 32 3919/2011-Official Gazette A/02.03.2011). A person in the above case of tacit approval, may request a relevant attestation from the competent administrative authority responsible for issuing the administrative act by virtue of paragraph 4 , Article 10 Law 3230/2004 (Official Gazette 44/A/ 11-2 -2004).

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