Cross Border Passengers’ Counting Certification Greece : ERMIS

Organization : Ministry of Mercantile Marine, Aegean & Island Policy
Type of Facility : Cross Border Passengers’ Counting Certification
Country: Greece

Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr

Cross Border Passengers’ Counting Certification :

Provided to passenger ships departing from a port located in Greece or another Member State to undertake a voyage of not more than twenty miles from the point of departure.

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“Passenger ship” means a sea-going ship or a sea-going high-speed craft which carries more than twelve passengers.

General Documents:
** (For the Annual verification of the Certificate) Affidavit by the Company, describing any modifications of the registration system.
** (For the Annual verification of the Certificate) Any additional documents regarding these modifications
** (For the Certificate issuance and for the Annual verification of the Certificate) Application provided by the Port Authority
** (For the Certificate issuance) A document appointing the person(s) legally binding the Company
** (For the Certificate issuance) Affidavit by the Company, the person appointed for the counting of the passengers and his substitute, pursuant to the forms provided.
** (For the Certificate issuance) Copy of the ship’s Certificate of Nationality.
** (For the Certificate issuance) Copy of the ship’s Safety Certificate

The applicant company must own/manage the ship

Step 1:
The shipping company submits to the Port Authority the relevant application with the required Accompanying documents.

Step 2:
The Port Authority receives the application and examines the accompanying documents.

Step 3:
The passengers’ registration system is being inspected by the Port Authority and the process completes with the issuance of the relevant Passengers’ Counting Certificate.

Business marketing license for propagating material of type A, B, C and D :
Competent Entity: MINISTRIES
Service Code: 6053
Processing Time: Up to 50 days from the request and the supporting documents to the competent service for the adoption

Cost :
1) Business trading licenses of propagating material of crop varieties.
** For type A license, a fee of 3.200 euro is charged
** For renewal of license of type A, a fee of 800.00 euro.
** For type B license a fee of 130 euro is charged
** For renewal of type B license a fee of 32 euro is charged

** For type C license a fee of 1.300 euro is charged
** For renewal of license of type C, a fee of 325 is charged
** For type D license a fee of 65 euro is charged

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** For renewal of license of type D, a fee of 16 euro is charged The aforementioned fee are charged in the Central Fund for Agriculture, Livestock and Forests, in the account of Seed production and Nurseries.

Description :
** Natural or legal persons trading propagating material

Conditions :
** The necessary supporting documents must be filed. For type A license an additional storage (owned or rented) is required, while for type C license, a storage and standardization facilities are required.

Procedure :
Step 1: The interested company or the natural person submits an application to the local KEPPYEL with the supporting documents required and the appropriate fee.

Step 2: KEPPYEL make the administrative control of the completeness of the file, as it concerns the supporting documents required. Then a sport check is conducting at the company attesting the accuracy of the reported data.

Step 3: KEPPYEL, as far as the aforementioned information is correct, prepare an explanatory report and send it along with documentation of the company to the Directorate of Crop Production Input.

Step 4: In the Section a second administrative control is carried out and where the completeness and correctness of the file is found, the data recorded in the database (register).Otherwise additional documentation is required from KEPPYEL and in extreme cases the file is returned. Then the license is issued and sent to the KEPPYEL

Step 5: KEPPYEL hand over the license to the person concerned and keep the file of the company in its archive. At the same time inform the person concerned about his obligations according to the applicable legislation.

Notes and Clarifications:
Responsible Authority for provision:
Central Port Authority / Port Authority / Sub Port Authority

Correlated Authorities:
General Secretariat for Shipping and Safety of Navigation

Responsible Authority for complaints:
Ministry of Citizen’s Protection
General Secretariat for Shipping and Safety of Navigation
Information and Innovative Technologies Directorate
Vassiliadi Coast, Gate E1, 18518 – Piraeus

Tel: 210 4191386 – 4191388 – 4191387

Categories: Greece
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