ERMIS Greece : Passengers’ Registration Certification

Organization : Ministry Public Order & Citizen Protection
Type of Facility : Passengers’ Registration Certification
Country: Greece

Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr

Passengers’ Registration Certification :

Provided to passenger ships departing from a port located in Greece or another Member State to undertake a voyage of more than twenty miles from the point of departure.

Related : ERMIS Greece Authorization For Laying Hens Farms :

“Passenger ship” means a sea-going ship or a sea-going high-speed craft which carries more than twelve passengers.

General Documents
** (For the Annual verification of the Certificate) Affidavit by the Company, describing any modifications of the registration system.
** (For the Annual verification of the Certificate) Any additional documents regarding these modifications
** (For the Annual verification of the Certificate) Application provided by our service
** (For the Certificate issuance:) A document appointing the person(s) legally binding the Company
** (For the Certificate issuance:) Affidavit by the Company, stating that every modification of elements contained in Annexes I and II shall be readily reported to the Authority.
** (For the Certificate issuance:) Affidavit by the Company, stating that the provisions of the Law 2472/97 (FEK 50A) about the “Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data”
** (For the Certificate issuance:) Affidavits of the Company, the Passengers’ Registrar and the Substitute Passengers’ Registrar pursuant to the forms provided.
** (For the Certificate issuance:) Application provided by our service
** (For the Certificate issuance:) Copy of the ship’s Certificate of Nationality.
** (For the Certificate issuance:) Copy of the ship’s Safety Certificate.

The applicant company must own/manage the ship.

Step 1:
The shipping company submits to the Information and Innovative Technologies Directorate the relevant application with the required Accompanying documents.

The Service receives the application and examines the accompanying documents.

Step 3:
The passengers’ registration system is being inspected and the process completes with the issuance of the relevant Passengers’ Registration Certificate.

Notes and Clarifications
Related Authority for provision: Ministry of Citizen’s Protection General Secretariat for Shipping and Safety of Navigation

Information and Innovative Technologies Directorate:
Vassiliadi Coast, Gate E1,
18518 – Piraeus

Tel:210 4191386 – 4191388 – 4191387

Co-related authorites:
General Secretariat for Shipping and Safety of Navigation

Related Post

Safety of Navigation Directorate:
Vassiliadi Coast, Gate E1, 18518 – Piraeus

Tel: 210 4191183

Responsible authoriy for complaints:
General Secretariat for Shipping and Safety of Navigation

Certificate on establishment of an S.A. and registration of the same in the SA register :
Description :
** Description of the procedure of automatic search for issuing a certificate on establishment of an S.A. and registration of the same in the SA register.

Procedure :
The process of automatic search for this certificate is as follows :
a) The requesting department clearly determines the public purpose or the administrative act for which the issuance of the certificate is required.
b) The department seeking the certificate provides sufficient identifier information for the persons for which the certificate is required.

c) Within 24 hours from the submission of an application by a citizen to the public service for the handling of their case, the service sends a letter (document) for the automatic search of the certificate to the service responsible for its issuance, as set forth in paragraph 2 of Article 1 of this decision.

** Among other data, that letter must state the name of the employee who is seeking the certificate and the procedure for which the documentation is required.
** The letter is sent by facsimile or email if the latter is accompanied by a digital signature.
** If there are several requests for the issuing of the certificate, these can be grouped in the same letter.

d) Within 48 hours, the competent service sends the certificate requested with the letter of sec (c), by fax or e-mail (if the latter is accompanied by a digital signature), to the requesting department.
** Certificates are sent by post only when the submission of the original is required.

e) Certificates sent to the requesting service by fax, are certified by this in accordance with Article 10 of Law 3230/2004.

** Where, in accordance with specific provisions, the original is required, the whole procedure for the issue of the final administrative act based on the copy, sent by fax in the manner provided in paragraph (d) is held, until the arrival of the original, when the final administrative act is issued.

** Pending the entry into force of the decision, SA Directions and Credit of the General Secretariat of Commerce, the Directions of Oil Policy and Supervision, Oil Companies Management of the Ministry of Development, the Commerce Administrations of the Prefectural Local Governments and the services of the Organisations of Street Markets in Athens and Piraeus, should designate numbers and fax machines for the smooth reception of automatic certificate search requests from services and then send the requested certificates.

Information and Innovative Technologies Directorate:
Vassiliadi Coast, Gate E1,
18518 – Piraeus

Tel: 210 4191386 – 4191388 – 4191387

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