ERMIS Greece : Poverty Booklet For Aliens Of Greek Descent

Organization : Health & Public Sanitation Department
Type of Facility : Poverty Booklet For Aliens Of Greek Descent
Country: Greece

Website : ermis [dot] gov [dot] gr

Poverty Booklet For Aliens Of Greek Descent :

Required supporting documents for issuing and validating a poverty booklet to aliens of Greek descent.

Related : ERMIS Issuing of Certificate of Permanent Residence Greece :

General Documents:
** 2 recent photos
** Allien of Greek descent card
** Application for issuing a poverty booklet for aliens of Greek descent
** The application is granted by the service.
** Copy of 3-years work permit
** Copy of residence permit of a duration of 3 years
** Solemn Declaration L. 1599/1986
** In the Solemn Declaration the following are specified : <>.
** (Obligatory Document)
** Solemn Declaration validated by the police that the interested party is accommodated at the specified Address where he resides permanently.
** Alternatively a rent is imposed.
** (Obligatory Document)
** Tax Clearance Note for one person 4,402.05 €, two persons 5,722. 67 €, for a family an additional 880.41 € for every child

Specific Documents:
** Marital Status Certificate (in case of a family)
** Internally Aquired: Issuing of family status certificate

Notes and Clarifications:
According to DIADP/1/3143, 20.2.2002(GG 193), the certificates fromTEBE, OGA, that the applicant is not insured is substituted by solemn declaration and the mandatory cross checking by the service. If the issues or the validations pertain to members of the family, the supporting documents must refer to them to. From 65 years old and above OGA insures them as seniors.

Naturalization of aliens of Greek descent from Istanbul and North Epirus :
Processing Time : Two (2) days
Cost : Zero

Related Post

Description :
** Required supporting documents for the naturalization of aliens of Greek descent from Istanbul and North Epirus.

General Documents :
** Application for naturalization of aliens of Greek descent from Istanbul and North Epirus
** Copy of the passport in two copies out of which one is validated by a public authority or lawyer
** Issue of passport
** Residence license copy
** Solemn Declaration on the marital status and the reasons of departure from the foreign country
** Official supporting documents
** General Purpose Criminal Record Certificate

Identity card for aliens of Greek descent from Turkey (Istanbul, Imvros, Tenedos) :
Involved Entities:
Cost: Zero
Description :
** Required documentation for the issuing an identity card for aliens of Greek descent from Turkey (Istanbul, Imvros, Tenedos)

General Documents :
** Application for issuing an identity card for aliens of Greek descent from Turkey (Istanbul, Imvros, Tenedos)
** Certificate from the Consulate of Greece at Istanbul that the applicant is of Greek Origin
** Passport (if any)
** Issue of passport
** Solemn Declaration L. 1599/86 on the place of residence or residence lease agreement

Electronic Services submitted by HERMES :
Here submit electronic requests for public administration services by receiving the outcome (certificate, certificate, etc.) or your email box or ACC you provide when submitting the application.

In the application, you are asked to select a CRC that will manage your case. If you want the outcome of the application to be stored directly in your electronic mailbox should choose ACC with a capacity to digitize documents. Please note that this document you can print and use in your dealings with the public administration, in accordance with Article 1 of Law. 4250/2014 (GG 74 /A/26.03.2014).

If the online application requires documentation then you should attach the corresponding electronic documents through your mailbox. The processing of the application you can watch it from your case file. For the electronic application, necessarily be preceded by your connection to portal “Hermes».

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