National Center : Emergency Passport Issuance Greece

Organization : National Passport Center
Type of Facility : Emergency Passport Issuance
Country: Greece

Website :

Emergency Passport Issuance:

Information on priority processing and acquiring an emergency passport within one (1) working day of lodging an application. Specific circumstances warrant this procedure.

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A passport may be priority processed and issued, by exemption, within one (1) working day of application under the following circumstances:
1.Serious personal health reasons requiring hospitalization/medical treatment abroad. In this case a medical certificate stating the specific health problem and signed by a relevent specializing doctor must be submitted as supporting documentation.

A medical certificate from a foreign hospital or clinic legitimately translated and validated certifying the need for hospitalization and medical treatment must also be submitted. Following the same process a passport is issued to the spouse or relative (up to 2nd degree) of the patient, as well as to the doctor or nurse accompanying the patient abroad.

2. Death of a blood relative or relative through marriage (up to 2nd degree)

3. Injury or serious health reasons certified with a medical certificate from a foreign public hospital, disappearance of a relative (up to 2nd degree) of the applicant residing abroad or property damage caused by a natural disaster or other reasons beyond the applicant’s control.

In cases of the priority processing of an emergency passport, applications and supporting documents may be submitted at the Passport Office located at the Pagkrati police station.

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In submitting an application, the applicant must specifically state the special reasons justifying priority passport processing in the Statement of truth and attach all supporting documentation

What happens in case of theft or loss of a Greek passport?
In case of theft or loss of a Greek passport, a new passport is not granted before the completion of researches – that last up to three (3) months. In case of a new loss or theft within five (5) years from the previous statement, the researches last up to one (1) year

What happens to a passport, in case of a decision of prohibition of expense from the country?
Your passport is been subtracted from the qualified police and consular authorities and it is dispatched to the National Passport Center in order to be kept. It can be received after the cancellation of the prohibition expense from the country.

Can i acquire a passport in one day?
Yes you can, but only for the following reasons :
** Serious health reasons that impose hospitalisation abroad (this is in effect for the patient, his relative up to 2nd degree, as well as for the doctor or the attendant who will escort the patient abroad.

** Relative’s death (relationship from blood or by marriage – up to second degree relation).
** Injury or emergency health reasons which is proofed with a health certificate from a foreign government hospital, or the disappearing of a relative up to second-degree.
** In case of property destruction, abroad.


Contact us:
National Passport Center
Address 8 Chiou Street, Kaisariani – 16121
Attica, Greece
Telephone : +30.210.7298000

Be informed:
The passport which isn’t received in six months time from the issued day, returns to the National Passport Center and it is invalidated.

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