AG Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Calculate Pension Online Pakistan

Name of the Organization : Accountant General Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (
Type of Facility : Calculate Your Pension Online
Location : Peshawar
Country: Pakistan

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Accountant General Pension Types

1. Retiring Pension :
Retiring pension is granted to a government servant who retires from service after completing 25 years.75% of the Gross pension will be paid to his/her family as a family pension per month.

Related : EOBI Employee Details & Pension Claim Status Check Online Pakistan :

2. Superannuation Pension :
Superannuation pension is granted to a Government servant who is entitled or compelled by rules to retire at a particular age. Currently a civil servant gets retired on attaining the age of 60 years.

3. Invalid Pension :
Invalid pension is awarded to a government servant who due to physical or mental infirmity is permanently incapacitated for the public service, or for the particular branch of it to which he/she belongs. The infirmity has, however, to be certified by duly constituted Medical Board.

There are two different scenarios for this kind of pension :
1.If any employee declared unfit for the duty but his Service is less than 10 years than He/She will be Paid 1.5 month pay against each completed year as Gratuity only.
2.If any employee declared unfit for the duty but his Service is more than 10 years than He/She will be paid 60% of his/her gross pension as a Net Pension Per Month and 40% of his/her gross pension as commutation

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4. Family Pension :
Family Pension is granted to the family of the Government servant who dies.

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There are two Scenarios in Family Pension case :
a. Death Before Retirement :
If any employee dies before his/her retirement then Family Pension will be paid to his/ her spouse / successor. If the service of the deceased employee is less than 10 years then he/she will be paid ONE & HALF MONTH Pay against each completed year as a Gratuity only.

If service of the employee is more than 10 years before death then :
* 25% of the Gross pension will be paid to him/her as a Gratuity.

b. Death after Retirement :
If any employee dies after his/her retirement then his/her spouse/successor will be paid

i. Family Pension :
50% of his/her Net Pension (drawn by deceased) as a Family Pension per month.

ii. Life Time Arrears (LTA) :
If any pensioner died and he/she could not draw his/her monthly pension for some time, this undrawn pension will be paid to his/her family.

5. Compensation Pension :
If a government servant is selected for discharge owing to the abolition of a permanent post, he shall, unless he is appointed have the option of taking any compensation pension or gratuity to which he may be entitled for the service he has already rendered.

6. Anticipatory Pension :
When a government servant is likely to retire before his pension could be finally assessed and he can be allowed anticipatory pension. For this purpose the sanctioning authority should furnish to the Audit office with all the particulars of service in respect of the retiring Government servant. The Audit Office should sanction the disbursement of the amount of pension to which after the most careful summary investigation, he believes the Government servant to be entitled.

7. Gratuity :
A government servant who has rendered five years qualifying service or more but less then ten years may be granted gratuity not exceeding one months emoluments for each completed year of qualifying service. In case of invalidation and death the rate will be 1-1.50 months pay for each completed year of service. This amount will be paid to him at the time of his retirement or to his family in the event of his death while in service death (special package)

8. Extraordinary Pension :
When a Government servant is injured, killed or dies of injuries received during the execution of public duty, an extraordinary pension or gratuity may be granted to him or to his family in accordance with the rules.

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View Comments (1)

  • I am 52 and want to retire from service after rendering 30 years service. I do not need commutation. Please calculate my pension.
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