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Ethiopia NEAEA National Educational Assessment Examination Agency : Sample Formats For Field & Institute Choice

Organization : National Educational Assessment Examination Agency
Service Name : Sample Formats For Field & Institute Choice
Country: Ethiopia

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How To Download NEAEA Sample Field Format?

To download NEAEA Sample Field & Institute Choice Formats, follow the below steps

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Go to the official website,click on “Student Result” tab in home page.

Next page will be opened, Click on “Download” tab in main menu.

Click on field Choice option in drop down list.then Download sample formats for field Choice & Institute Choice.

Social Science Field Choice Sample Format

Admission No. Student Name Sex Mobile No. Email Business and Economics (5 ) Law (6a) Other Social Sciences and Humanities (6b) Theatrical, Fine Arts and Music (6c)
600000 XX F 091 3 1 4 2

Natural Science Field Choice Sample Format

University Choice Sample Format


Since 1950, all examination result documents had been documented in hard and soft copies in the agency’s office. National examination such as the Elementary school promotion Examination, the General Certificate Examination “Ordinary Level” (GCE O level) of the university of London and the experimental phase of the Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examination( ESLCE) were introduced, for the first time, in to the Ethiopian education System in the 1940’s.

And the responsible body for such examination was then Ministry of Education and Fine Arts (ESLCE Office Hand Book, 1985). According to the ESLCE Office Hand Book (1985), there was no ESLCE before 1950.

Beginning in 1950 the ESLCE began to be administered, on an Experimental basis, in conjunction with the London based General Certificate Examination (GCE), Ordinary (o) level. The GCE was then the preferred credential.

The GCE continued to been given for six years after the ESLCE was established as an independent, external, national achievement examination. The ESLCE soon became a grade twelve leaving examination and a certificate to be presented for Admission in to institutions of higher learning. By 1950, the Ministry believed that it had sufficient and relevant experience to take full responsibility for conducting the ESLCE and for issuing results acceptable to national institutions of higher education over the world, and to national employers.

Thus the Ministry of education and fine Arts discontinued sponsoring candidates for the General Certificate Examination of the University of London. Since the ESLCE had been the content and pattern of the GCE up to 1959, a major factor that prompted the decision to suspend and to eliminate the GCE, was the restriction this Examination placed on changes needed to make secondary education relevant and appropriate to Ethiopian conditions particularly in history, geography, and science. Before the elimination of the GCE however, even Amharic had to fit the GCE syllabus.

Duties of NEAEA Ethiopia

The NEAEA (National Educational Assessment and Examination Agency) in Ethiopia is responsible for conducting and managing various educational assessments and examinations in the country.

Its duties include:
National Examinations:
The NEAEA is responsible for organizing and administering the national examinations in Ethiopia, such as the Ethiopian General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (EGSECE) or 10th grade national exam and the Ethiopian Higher Education Entrance Examination (EHEEE) or 12th grade national exam. These exams are crucial for students’ progression to higher education.

Exam Registration:
The NEAEA handles the registration process for national examinations. It establishes the registration procedures, deadlines, and requirements for students to enroll in the exams. It also oversees the collection of exam fees and the distribution of examination materials.

Exam Administration:
The NEAEA ensures the proper administration of national examinations. It coordinates the exam centers, assigns supervisors and invigilators, and monitors the conduct of exams to maintain fairness and integrity. The agency also oversees the security and confidentiality of examination materials.

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  1. My registration number is 810033. How can I see my field and placement?

  2. ውጤት አሰጣጡ ላይ ቅሬታ አለኝ ግን ማንን ማናገር እንዳለብኝ አላወኩም biology civic result ከሰራውት ተቃራኒ ነው ለማስተካከል ምን ላድርግ? 2010 አ.ም 878489.

  3. I need to see my result 2009 for grade 12. My school name is shahura preparatory and register number is 558907.

  4. Can I check my grade 10 result?
    My Reg no is 0391583.

  5. Why somali students are not passed the exam?

  6. Yosef Tsigemariam Simegn

    My registration no is 780416. Please tell my field placement.

  7. How to see field and placement? Reg No. 699765.

    1. Field Of Study: Business And Economics
      University: Meda Welabu University

  8. How can I know my placement& field? 690870

  9. My name is ABDI EBISA

    When will you release our field and university? Still now we are ready to take our place

  10. How i can check my placement and field? I don’t know as some institutes they releases the registration date that’s why we didn’t know nothing.

  11. How to see university&field?
    My Reg no.664746

  12. Tesfaye Belayneh Eshete

    Please announce my field&university
    Admission no_800811

  13. How to see field and placement?
    My Reg No is: 611296

  14. How I can know my univeristy placement and field?

  15. What I put in university choice is not really reached to you. What shall I do ?

  16. How can I see my grade 10 exam result ?
    My Reg. No. is 0329367


    Can I change field?

  18. HAILE NIGUSE REG 6037622

    REG NO 603762

    1. Subject Result
      English 33
      Mathematics Nat. Sc. 42
      Scholastic Aptitude 52
      Physics 34
      Chemistry 64
      Biology 67
      Civics 48
      Total 340

  19. When Ethiopian2015 student’s university placement will be released?

  20. Thank you to release our pass mark. My question is why they don’t release our university and field b/c we must be ready for going to UN. We buy our cloth to compare to that country.

  21. When shall I see may placement and field ?

  22. How can I change field?

  23. How to see field and placement?
    My reg no is 685825

  24. My name is UMER AMIN AHMED

    My Field Choice and University Choice is wrongly given to me. I am not happy with this choice. What is the reason for University choice and Field choice is wrongly released with out the permission of students ?
    Give the answer quickly at this time.

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