HealthShare NSW StaffLink ePayslips New South Wales

Organization : HealthShare NSW
Service Name : HealthShare NSW StaffLink ePayslips
Country: Australia

Website :

HealthShare NSW StaffLink ePayslips :

StaffLink is your gateway to the Human Resources Information System (HRIS), Financial Management Information System (FMIS) and iProcurement.

Benefits of StaffLink:
StaffLink brings with it many benefits for NSW Health staff, including:
** Manager Self Service (MSS) and Employee Self Service (ESS) available online, anytime from work or home
** ePayslips – view your payslip online or have it emailed to you – the choice is yours

** eForms, replacing the need to print and manually submit most of the commonly used payroll and human resources forms
** Current Business Processes and Forms
** The improved procurement functionality “iProcurement” provides a ‘One-Stop Shop’ for user requisitions (Create, Receipt and Inquire)

** iProcurement utilises catalogues for requisitioning, enabling easy and accurate item selection
** Revised Chart of Accounts (COA) with five segments including two new segments for Project and Intercompany

** Invoice Scanning is part of the core solution in StaffLink and invoice holds will be managed via system generated Notifications
** Advanced Global Intercompany System (AGIS) creates Tax invoices for Intra Health transactions which has significantly changed Intra

For all technical issues, including password resets please contact the State-wide Service Desk (SWSD) on 1300 285 533.

Customer Support:
Pay and payslip enquiries or other questions about the new system including superannuation, taxation, leave processing or balances, please contact the Service Centre on 1300 679 367

Training materials:
To access training materials, including detailed instructions for different staff groups visit the HSS Intranet

Technical support:
For technical issues with Self Service please contact the State-wide Service Desk on 1300 285 533

New starters:
Information on how new starters can access StaffLink online including acquiring their login password can be found on the HSS Intranet

Accounts Payable Services :
** HealthShare NSW Accounts Payable processes invoices on behalf of Health Agencies and pays them via EFT through the NSW Health StaffLink (Oracle) Financials system. The payment amount, recipient and when the payment is made are at the discretion of the Health Agency.

eInvoicing :
** NSW Health is changing the way it receives invoices for payment from suppliers. In accordance with the new policy and in line with the NSW Government Electronic Trading Policy, all invoices will be required to be submitted electronically.

The three available invoice submittal methods are :
** Via the NSW Health Supplier Portal
** Single Invoice load
** CSV multiple invoice load
** Direct Interface
** Electronic Data Interchange via available hubs (e.g. Pacific Commerce)

NSW Health Supplier Portal :
** The NSWH Supplier Portal is a secured and password protected internet-based interface that provides real-time information from the NSW Health Financial Management Information System (FMIS).

** This solution has the ability to provide access to your company’s information, such as invoice status and payment details through the procure-to-pay life cycle.

** The Portal also offers two options for electronic invoice submittal, either Single Invoice Load or via a CSV Multi-Invoice Load.

What does HealthShare NSW Accounts Payable do?
** Accounts Payable processes invoices on behalf of health agencies in NSW and makes them available for payment in the NSW Health Financial Management Information System (Oracle).

** Health agencies work with Accounts Payable by reviewing and authorising payments before they are made. The average volume of invoices received by Accounts Payable for processing is approximately 10,000 invoices per day.

What should I do if I have an invoice to submit for payment?
** Invoices should be sent directly to Accounts Payable for processing as per the instructions on the purchase order.

** You should check that your invoice contains all the necessary information for it to be processed (see Question below: What information is needed on an invoice in order for it to be processed?).

What information is needed on an invoice in order for it to be processed?
For an invoice to be processed in a timely manner – and to avoid any unnecessary holds or delays in payment – it should follow the guidelines for NSW Health supplier invoice checklist :

** Include an invoice amount (less GST) the same as on the original purchase order
** Reference the correct purchase order number
** State that it is a ‘Tax Invoice’
** Include an ABN (Australian Business Number) for the issuing supplier where appropriate

** Include the correct name (local health district/health agency) and address for the health agency purchasing the goods or services (invoices addressed to individual hospital departments cannot be paid)

** Have GST (Goods and Services Tax) correctly applied where appropriate
** Include a brief description of the goods or services purchased in keeping with what was raised on the purchase order
** Ideally, clearly state if it has been issued by a registered small business © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map