Driving Test Appointment Booking : Hong Kong Transport Department

Organization : Transport Department
Service Name : Driving Test Appointment Booking
Country: Hong Kong

Website : http://www.td.gov.hk/en/electronic_services/index.html
Book Here : http://www.gov.hk/en/residents/transport/drivinglicense/roadtest.htm

Driving Test Appointment Booking :

To obtain a full driving licence in Hong Kong, you need to pass a driving test. You can now book online if you need to repeat the road test for non-commercial vehicles, or to take or retake the road test for commercial vehicles or taxi written test.

Related : Hong Kong Transport Department Driving Licence Renewal : www.statusin.org/9523.html

Here you can find out more about making your appointment online, including the fees and the supporting documents.

You can book required driving tests online through the Transport Department’s e-Service below. An end-of-list appointment will be allotted subject to the prevailing waiting time.

If you are taking the driving test for non-commercial vehicles for the first time, you need to directly submit the application for driving test to the Transport Department. This service is not available online.

If you wish to learn to drive a motor vehicle on a road, you should be the holder of a learner’s driving licence for that class of vehicles.

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If you have any physical disabilities, you can attend a driving ability assessment(s) before applying for a driving test. You should phone 2713 7262 to make an appointment for the assessment. The following link will take you to more details on driving ability assessment.

Repeater Early Test Appointment Booking:
You can book a repeater early test appointment through the Transport Department’s e-Service below if you wish to re-take a failed road test. Vacant test slots in the period from the following 7th to 30th working day from the application date will be available for application.

Special Notice :
You may consider making reservation through “Repeater Early Test Appointment Telephone Booking Service” (Tel: 2866 8148) if you encounter prolonged access to the “Repeater Early Test Appointment Online Booking Service” due to system busy.

Who Can Book the Driving Tests Online?:
Repeaters of Private Car or Light Goods Vehicle or Motor Cycle Road Test:

You must be aged 18 years or above, and have failed the private car or light goods vehicle or motorcycle road test at least once.

Fresh Applicants for Commercial Vehicle Road Test or Taxi Written Test:
You must be aged 21 years or above, have held a full driving licence for Private Car or Light Goods Vehicle for more than 3 years, and must be applying for a road test for commercial vehicles (medium goods vehicles, heavy goods vehicles, public or private light buses, public or private buses or articulated vehicles) or taxi written test.

Repeaters of Commercial Vehicle Road Test or Taxi Written Test:
You must be aged 21 years or above, have held a full driving licence for Private Car or Light Goods Vehicle for more than 3 years, and have failed the road test for commercial vehicles or taxi written test at least once.

You cannot apply for driving tests under this service if:
** You do not satisfy the eligibility criteria above.
** You are aged 70 or above.
** You are a repeater who applies fewer than 7 working days after the date of your last driving test.
** Your full driving licence expired more than 3 years ago.
** You want to apply for a repeater early test appointment.

Categories: Hong Kong
Tags: td.gov.hk
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