Check Grade 10 G10 Entrance Exam Result Online Ethiopia : Ministry of Education & National Educational Assessment Examination Agency NEAEA

Organization : Ministry of Education & National Educational Assessment Examination Agency NEAEA
Service Name : Check Grade 10 G10 Entrance Exam Result Online
Country : Ethiopia
Website :

How To Check NEAEA Grade 10 Entrance Exam Result?

Ministry of Education & National Educational Assessment Examination Agency (NEAEA) has announced the result of Grade 10 (G10) Entrance Exam. To Check NEAEA Grade 10 Entrance Exam Result, Just follow the simple steps mentioned below. Your grade 10 result can be obtained using your register number.

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NEAEA Grade 12 Result 2023

NEAEA Ethiopia Grade 12 Exam Result 2022/2023 Grade 12 Result

Step-1 : Go to the official website of NEAEA provided above.
Step-2 : Click Student Result icon available in front page.

Step-3 : Use Your Registration No. to check your result. Enter your Admission number and click Get result button to know your result.

If you Need Support please call to this Numbers

Shumye Abera : +251-910-964274
Muluwerk Tesfaye: +251-911-571491


How To Submit Complaint To NEAEA Ethiopia?

You can submit your complaint to NEAEA Ethiopia, if you have any concern with your result. Click Complaint tab available in the result page.

Step 1 : Enter Your Name
Step 2 : Enter your Registration Number
Step 3 : Enter Your Email
Step 4 : Enter Your Phone Number
Step 5 : Enter Your Compliant
Step 6 : Accept/ Check the Check Box Button
Step 7 : Click Submit Button

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How To Login Into NEAEA?

Just follow the below steps to Login Into NEAEA portal.

** Click NEAEA link to login to the site.
** Login with your user name & password

** If you are a new user, click register as a new user link. Fill the following details for registration.

Step 1 : Select User Type
Step 2 : Enter Code. Your organization code: School code, Institute code or Region code.
Step 3 : Enter your First Name
Step 4 : Enter your Last Name
Step 5 : Select Sex
Step 6 : Scan a letter that shows you are assigned to the organization and attach it.

Step 7 : Enter your Mobile Number
Step 8 : Enter your Email
Step 9 : Enter your UserName
Step 10 : Enter Password
Step 11 : Confirm Password
Step 12 : Click Register Button


The National Educational Assessment And Examination Agency (NEAEA) had been starting in 1950 to provided different national Examination in different names and levels.

Since 1950, all examination result documents had been documented in hard and soft copies in the agency’s office.

National examination such as the Elementary school promotion Examination, the General Certificate Examination “Ordinary Level” (GCE O level) of the university of London and the experimental phase of the Ethiopian School Leaving Certificate Examination( ESLCE) were introduced, for the first time, in to the Ethiopian education System in the 1940’s.

And the responsible body for such examination was then Ministry of Education and Fine Arts (ESLCE Office Hand Book, 1985). According to the ESLCE Office Hand Book (1985), there was no ESLCE before 1950.

Duties of NEAEA Ethiopia

The National Educational Assessment and Examination Agency (NEAEA) in Ethiopia has various duties and responsibilities related to educational assessment and examination processes.

Here are some key duties of NEAEA:
Developing Examination Policies and Procedures:
NEAEA is responsible for developing and formulating examination policies, guidelines, and procedures. They establish the rules and regulations that govern the administration, conduct, and evaluation of national examinations in Ethiopia.

Conducting National Examinations:
NEAEA organizes and administers the national examinations in Ethiopia, including the Grade 10 General School Leaving Certificate Examination (EGSLCE) and the Grade 12 University Entrance Examination (EUEE). They ensure that the examinations are conducted securely, fairly, and according to established protocols.

Registration and Enrollment:
NEAEA manages the registration process for national examinations. They set deadlines, establish registration centers, and collect the necessary information and fees from students and schools. NEAEA ensures that eligible students are properly enrolled for the examinations.

Categories: Ethiopia

View Comments (67)

  • My Reg no is 638718. I'm grade 12 student. Please tell me my placement and please recheck my result.

  • I would like to know my result. Please inform me .
    Here is my registration number 0878843.

  • I want to see my 12th exam Result of Academic year 2016(2008).
    School : Sena Genji (R)
    Reg.No : 643847

  • When does TVET participation get assigned? Does the student have a choice of what they will study? Is there a cost? If so, how much does it cost? How long is the training? THank you.

  • Please I can't get my result for grade 10 exam of 2015, please check and reply. Please help me my registration number is 0953146.

  • My registration number is 031693.9 I am the students of Haramaya school student. Please show me my grade result.

    Subject | Result :
    Amharic C
    English F
    Maths B
    Physics C
    Chemistry C
    Biology B
    Civics B
    Geography B
    History D

  • Grade 10 (P) pass mark is unfair. How student fail by scoring Distinction or 4 A's and 3.15 that is the big question for the futurity of our country!? Please think for future generation.

  • Please check my history answer sheet.You made a great mistake. You made it F, but I am definitely sure that I did above the range of 60 questions. Please check it again and again. My number is 0000203. Please make it correct.

  • Reg No: 0332052
    Name: IFTU AHMED
    Amh: D, Eng: C, Mat: D
    Phy: D, Che: B, Bio: B
    Civ: B, Geo: C, His: B
    Oro: B

  • my history result completely wrong. I got all the other subject A but history F how could it be? please tell me how to check. My registration No is 0737249

    Subject | Result :
    Amharic F
    English C
    Maths D
    Physics D
    Chemistry C
    Biology D
    Civics D
    Geography D
    History B
    Tigrigna C

  • I have received my results and to say the least I'm not satisfied. Although I got A in all the other subjects, there is an obvious fluke in my history result. I got an F. Of the 70 people who took the exams in my school, nearly thirty of us got F in history. And I am absolutely sure there is a mistake because most of the top students got D's and F's while the nonchalant ones got A's and B's. I was thinking of applying to a program but my history result is hindering me. It is imperative that you fix this soon! Please do!!

  • I think there should be many faults while you are correcting the 'HISTORY EXAM' of 2015 ,grade 10th. In this year I focused on all of my subjects to score 10A's and but, from your side,you gave me unagreeable 'D' score in my HISTORY EXAM. It is really incorrect b/c I surely knew,answered and done above the range of 50 questions when i was on my exam. Please, give it a correction again and see it deeply!!
    subject code=09 and booklet code=045
    I am sure you made a great mistake while you are checking the history exam's result of the pupils: the reason that I said 'i am sure ' a very talent students in history have got 'D&F' scores including me! and other students who does not focus on it have got 'A&B' scores in my school.
    Why does this a shameful oversight happen?
    Please recheck it again and again within a short period of time

    I answered history above 34 but you set it F
    Please see again correctly and help me by set it D if u can. I scored good but it closed me not to join social science since I want to study social. It doesn't affect since i passed

  • National exam result of 10th grade students has been released since 8th September 2015. I have observed that most of excellent students who have got A in all subjects scored F in history. This shows us there is a problem in your correction system and existence of unreliable practice. Please check and take your appropriate action.

  • How to see grade 10 entrance exam result? I try by sending message to 8181 but the result not shown to me

  • Please,recheck my grade 10th of HISTORY exam within a short period of time ok! I'm sure that I must to score 'A', As i had strictly studied & done on my exam.! at least I answered above 50 questions!! reg.number= 0519680

  • I am so happy today. I have seen my result from my phone by RTN reg no. then send to 8181
    But the website is not working
    Please check it again

  • I am grade 10 student. I want to see my result. Please show me my result know. My registration no is 07438959

  • Why don't you release grade 10 exam result? As you said,"The result will be announced/released on 5 Sept." but it didn't. If you have especial case,please, announce us?

  • Why nae doing like this?
    There is only 4 days left for new year still the grade 10 result is not released. Is there any transformation?

  • My name is million mistre
    My admission card no, is 0697484 . I want to see my grade 10 exam result.

  • It has been 2 days since the official release date and still no results have been released. Please help us out and tell us the exact date? There are lots of us who have to look for new schools.

  • Why is the reason so late? It is creating tension to all of grade 10 students. You said matric will be released in 5 September 2015 but it didn't get released and the website is blocked although our time is running out. So please take this to consideration and release it

  • Grade10 results will be released on 5 September in 2015 but the service is unavailable.
    Please tell me what to do.

  • Why doesn't the page work? It's way behind schedule. We have been waiting too long. We don't want to wait anymore!!

  • I want to see my Grade 10 examination result. How can I communcate ? If it is possible send in message the result . Reg .No 0110884 ,school code 03030112

  • Why grade 10 exam result did not released? Already it has been announced as it will be released on 5 September 2015 but not released yet. Please tell us the specific date to release our result!

  • Please release the 10th grade results already we have been waiting for almost 3 mouths. Please think about for those who have to look new schools like me. So please at least tell us the reason why it's not coming out soon as it did for the last previous years?

  • Why the system cannot be notified for all us to access their exam result on mobile phone?
    "It is shame "(efret) and also please don't suffer the students by emotions. Now the board is announced that grade 10 exam results will be released on 5 September 2015,but how much it is tangible? Mikiy from Feresbet higher secondary school in grade 11..

    • How many % is correct in the released grade 10 result and Tangible? Please don't play with human being life. Because according we haven seen the students result is very much mistake not only the result but also the students name and grade. Please check before you distribute the certificate © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map