Traditional Vehicle Registration Mark Online Enquiry & Reservation Hong Kong : Transport Department

Organization : Transport Department
Service Name : Traditional Vehicle Registration Mark Online Enquiry & Reservation
Country: Hong Kong

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Online Services for Traditional Vehicle Registration Marks

You can now search online for the availability of traditional vehicle registration marks. For an available traditional vehicle registration mark, you can even make a reservation for auction with a few clicks.

Related : Transport Department Online Application for Renewal of Vehicle Licence Hong Kong :

Here you can find out more about the online services including who can reserve and what you need to prepare when you attend an auction.

Online Enquiry and Reservation:
A convenient Internet option is provided for you to check whether a traditional vehicle registration mark is available and to reserve it for auction. Traditional vehicle registration marks are those outside the Personalized Vehicle Registration Marks Scheme. There are ordinary and special vehicle registration marks.

Traditional Vehicle Registration Mark:
Who Can Reserve Online?:
You can check whether a traditional vehicle registration mark is available, and reserve it for auction online if the following requirements are met:
** You are at least 18 years of age and hold a Hong Kong identity card (for Hong Kong residents) or a Passport (for non-Hong Kong residents); or
** You are the authorised person of a limited company who holds a valid Certificate of Incorporation. Business Registration Certificate will not be accepted.

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How Much will It Cost?:
Reserving an ordinary and a special vehicle registration mark for auction is different. You need to pay online a HK$1,000 deposit for reserving an ordinary vehicle registration mark (other than those with a prefix “HK” or “XX”). However, no deposit is required for reserving a special vehicle registration mark or an ordinary vehicle registration mark with a prefix “HK” or “XX”.

What Do I Need to Prepare before Application?:
Before you start the application, you should have the following ready:
Either a credit card (Visa or MasterCard) or a PPS account number and Internet password for payment. Both Visa and MasterCard offer additional security programs to give their cardholders extra protection when they make online payments. You must register in advance with Verified by Visa (VbV) or MasterCard® SecureCodeTM.

A printer to print out a hard copy of the acknowledgement page. If you do not have a printer, be sure to write down the e-service reference number or you can save your application details or acknowledgement in your PC or other storage devices.

Upon confirmation of your application, your reserved vehicle registration mark will be put on the waiting list for auction. You will be informed of the auction date by registered mail when ready. You may also visit the Transport Department website for the auction details including the dates of coming auctions and the list of vehicle registration marks available in auction.

Supporting Documents to Take with You on the Date of Auction:
On the day of auction, make sure to take the following documents with you for completion of registration and payment procedures immediately after the successful bidding:
** Original or copy of the identity document of the successful bidder;
** Original or copy of the identity document of the purchaser if it is different from the successful bidder;

** A copy of the certificate of incorporation if the purchaser is a body corporate; and
** A crossed cheque made payable to either “The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region” or “The Government of the HKSAR”. Payment by post-dated cheque, cash or other methods will not be accepted.

Further Information:
If you need further information on the online services, please phone the Transport Department’s hotline at 2804 2600

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