Pension Service Japan : Special Payment System For Students

Organization : Japan Pension Service
Service Name : Special Payment System For Students
Country: Japan

Website :

Special Payment System For Students:

If you are a student and your income is less than a certain amount, you may be allowed to postpone contribution payment if your application is approved.

Related : Japan Pension Service National Pension System :

This granted period protects you just as the regular coverage periods do. So, if you become disabled or die during this granted period, the Disability Basic Pension or the Survivors’ Basic Pension will be provided if you satisfy the following conditions;
(1) By the second month preceding the month of your accident, etc., your non-payment period (months) does not exceed one-third of your months of full coverage.
(2) You paid your contributions for the last 12 months up to the second month preceding the month of your accident, etc.

This granted periods count as qualifying periods for the Old-age Basic Pension, however, unless you recover contribution payments afterwards, the periods will not be reflected to the old-age benefit amount. You can retroactively pay the postponed contribution in the same way as the “Recovery of the Past Exempted-Contribution” above.

How to Apply for Special Payment System for Students:
To establish the exemption, you need to apply at the Municipal Office where you reside and register. The application form is available at the Municipal Offices or the JPS Branch Offices.

Related Post

Contribution Postponement System for Low Income Youth:
If you are in your twenties and your/your spouse’s income is lower than a certain level, this system allows you to postpone your contribution payments. It aims to protect youth who are not granted contribution exemption, from failing to qualify for benefits in later life. To establish your postponement, your application needs to be granted.

If you become disabled or die during this granted periods, the Disability Basic Pension or the Survivors’ Basic Pension will be provided if you satisfy the same conditions mentioned in “Special Payment System for Students” above. This granted periods count as qualifying periods for the Old-age Basic Pension, however, unless you recover contribution payment afterwards, the periods will not be reflected to the old-age benefit amount.

You can apply for postponement system or retroactively pay the postponed contribution in the same way mentioned in “Exemption of the Contributions” and “Recovery of the Past Exempted-Contribution” above.

National Pension :
** The National Pension is a person who has an address in Japan and enrolls everyone between the ages of 20 and 60, and can receive the “basic pension” due to old age, disability, and death.

** There are three types of national pension, “No. 1 insured person”, “No. 2 insured person” and “No. 3 insured person”, and how to pay insurance premiums varies depending on which system you join I will.

The first insured person :
** Students, part-time workers, unemployed people, etc. engaged in agriculture etc.
** Payment method of insurance premium

** We will pay by themselves, such as payment by payment form and account transfer. (When it can not be paid, there is a mechanism of exemption and payment suspension.) **

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