Japan Service : How to Claim Your Old-age Basic Pension

Organization : Japan Pension Service
Service Name : How to Claim Your Old-age Basic Pension
Country: Japan

Website : http://www.nenkin.go.jp/n/www/english/detail.jsp?id=38

NENKIN Old-age Basic Pension

You can receive the Old-age Basic Pension at the age of 65 if you have been covered under the National Pension and Employees’ Pension Insurance systems. To be qualified, your total coverage periods* need to be 25 years or more.

Related : Pension Service Japan Special Payment System For Students : www.statusin.org/11106.html

* Your total coverage periods include your contribution-paid periods as well as your contribution-exempted periods as a Category,  insured person.

Benefit Amount:
780,100/ year (full benefit amount based on 40 years of fully contributed coverage periods)

If you have coverage periods for which you failed to pay or your contribution was exempted, the amount is;

780,100x ( (1) + (2) + (3) + (4) + (5) ) / 40 years * × 12

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(1) Number of contribution-paid months (no exemption)
(2) Number of full contribution-exempted months** × 1/3
(3) Number of three-quarter contribution-exempted months** × 1/2
(4) Number of half contribution-exempted months** × 2/3
(5) Number of one-quarter contribution-exempted months** × 5/6

* Shorter for some people, depending on date of birth

** Depending on your income or according to the National Pension Act, you may be granted an exemption of full- or partial- amount of contribution payment.

If your contribution is exempted in April 2009 and later, please apply the formula below:
(2) Number of full contribution-exempted months × 1/2
(3) Number of three-quarter contribution-exempted months × 5/8
(4) Number of half contribution-exempted months × 3/4
(5) Number of one-quarter contribution-exempted months × 7/8

How to Claim Your Old-age Basic Pension:
To claim your benefit, you need to file the “Application for Pension : Old-age Benefits under National Pension / Employees’ Pension Insurance” (NENKIN SEIKYUSHO : KOKUMIN NENKIN / KOSEI NENKIN HOKEN ROREI KYUFU) at your nearest JPS Branch Office or Pension Consultation Center (PCC). You need to attach your Pension Handbook and a certified extract copy of your Family Registry. Please ask at the JPS Branch Office for the details of documents of evidence you need to submit.

Receiving requirement for old-age welfare pension :
When there is a period of insured persons of the welfare pension and those who meet the eligibility period required to receive the old-age basic pension becomes 65 years old, an old-age welfare pension will be paid over the old-age basic pension.

However, for the time being, it is 60 years or older, (1) it meets the qualification period necessary to receive the old-age basic pension, and (2) the insured period of the employee’s pension is longer than 1 year To those who meet the qualifications, an old-age welfare pension will be paid until the age of 65.

The amount of the old-age welfare pension system with special payment is the sum of the compensation proportional part and the fixed amount part, but from the one born after April 2 in 1964 (women in Showa 21 years), payment of the flat portion starts Age will be raised. Showa 24 (Woman in Showa 29) From the person who was born on April 2, it will be the amount only for the proportional part.

By joining the mutual aid association etc., the age to start receiving the old-age welfare pension payment provided by the mutual aid association etc. will be the same as men.

Categories: Japan
Tags: nenkin.go.jp
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