Japan Pension Service : How to Apply for Early/Delayed Payment

Organization : Japan Pension Service
Service Name : How to Apply for Early/Delayed Payment
Country: Japan

Website : http://www.nenkin.go.jp/n/www/english/detail.jsp?id=38

Apply for“Early Payment” or “Delayed Payment”:

The pensionable age for the Old-age Basic Pension is 65 in principle. However, you may opt to receive pension at whatever age after 60.

Related : Japan Service How to Claim Your Old-age Basic Pension : www.statusin.org/11108.html

The pension amount is adjusted depending on the age you start to receive your pension. You may opt to receive reduced amount of pension before age 65, or you may opt to receive increased amount after age 65.

Specifically, your early pension amount receivable at the age of 60 is 70 % of that for age 65 and your delayed pension amount receivable from the age of 70 or older is 142 %. Please note that once you start receiving your payment, the receivable rate will not change for the rest of your life.

Please also note that if you apply for early payment of the Old-age Basic Pension, you may not apply for the Disability Basic Pension.

How to Apply for the “Early Payment” or “Delayed Payment”:
Early Payment:
If you opt for the early payment of your Old-Age Basic Pension, you need to file the “Application for Early Payment of Old-Age Basic Pension under National Pension” (KOKUMIN NENKIN : ROREI KISO NENKIN SHIKYU KURIAGE SEIKYUSHO) at your nearest JPS Branch Office or PCC.

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If you are currently receiving your specially-provided Old-age Employees’ Pension, you need to submit Application for Early Payment of Old-Age Basic Pension for Beneficiary of Specially-provided Old-age Employees’ Pension under National Pension / Employees’ Pension Insurance” (KOKUMIN NENKIN / KOSEI NENKIN HOKEN : TOKUBETSU SHIKYUNO ROREI KOSEI NENKIN JUKYUKENSHA ROREI KISO NENKIN SHIKYU KURIAGE SEIKYUSHO) to the Offices.

Delayed Payment:
If you opt for the delayed payment of your Old-Age Basic Pension, you need to file the “Application for Delayed Payment of Old-Age Basic Pension under National Pension / Old-age Employees’ Pension under Employees’ Pension Insurance” (KOKUMIN NENKIN – ROREI KISO NENKIN / KOSEI NENKIN HOKEN – ROREI KOSEI NENKIN : SHIKYU KURISAGE MOSHIDESHO) at your nearest JPS Branch Office or the PCC.

If you are already receiving your specially-provided Old-age Employees’ Pension, you need to submit “Application for Delayed Payment of Old-Age Basic / Employees’ Pension under National Pension / Employees’ Pension Insurance)” (KOKUMIN NENKIN / KOSEI NENKIN HOKEN : ROREI KISO / KOSEI NENKIN – SHIKYU KURISAGE SEIKYUSHO) to the Offices.

Additional Pension Plan:
There is an extra voluntary plan to pay a small additional benefit to your Old-age Basic Pension. If you opt for this plan and pay the contribution of 400 / month, you can receive additional benefit, which is subject to early / delayed payment option. However, this contribution is not subject to the Lump-sum Withdrawal Payments.

Benefit Amount:
Annual amount = 200 × Number of month to which you paid the Additional Contribution

Disability Basic Pension:
You can receive the Disability Basic Pension when you have a certain level of disability specified by law. To be eligible, you must be covered by the National Pension Insurance system on the date of your first medical examination on the sickness or injury which caused above-mentioned disability.

In addition to disability requirement, as of the previous day of the date of your first medical examination, your contribution-paid periods and contribution-exempted periods need to be more than two thirds of your total coverage periods up to two months prior to your first medical examination month.

If the date of your first medical examination is before March 2026, you need to satisfy the above-mentioned requirements or to fill the preceding one year with the contribution-paid or contribution-exempted periods.

Categories: Japan
Tags: nenkin.go.jp
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