: TTSS Taxi Subsidy Scheme Australia New South Wales

Organization : New South Wales Transport
Service Name : Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS)
Country: Australia

Website :

Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS):

The Taxi Transport Subsidy Scheme (TTSS) provides subsidised travel, allowing approved participants to travel by taxi at half fare, up to a maximum subsidy of $30 per trip.

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Who is eligible:
Each application is reviewed by Transport for NSW’s independent medical assessor. It is important that your medical practitioner or treating specialist provides enough detail and supporting documents to allow the severity of your disability or medical condition to be assessed.

Receipt of an aged, invalid, blind or any other pension will not automatically qualify you for participation in the TTSS. Participation is not means tested.

Terms and conditions:
Applicants for participation in TTSS are required to read and agree to the TTSS Terms and Conditions (pdf 74KB). Please read these specific requirements before completing the application.

For more details read the General Information booklet (pdf 289KB) to help answer further questions about TTSS.

How to apply:
To apply for TTSS, enter your details in the Application Form (pdf 502KB), and provide the application to your medical practitioner or treating specialist for completion. Once complete, sign and date the form and then mail it to TTSS at the address provided.

To request an application form be sent to you by mail, call TTSS on 1800 623 724 (toll free).

Reordering TTSS travel dockets:
To order a new book of travel dockets use the green reorder form provided in the middle of the travel docket book, or download Reorder TTSS Travel Dockets (pdf 470KB) and send the completed reorder form to the address provided.

It is not necessary for existing participants to complete another TTSS application to reorder travel dockets.

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Travelling interstate:
TTSS participants who will be travelling interstate may order interstate travel dockets. Interstate travel dockets allow TTSS participants the benefits of the half fare taxi subsidy while visiting other states or territories (up to a maximum subsidy of $30 per trip).

Complete the Order Interstate Travel Dockets form (pdf 474KB), and send the completed order form to the address provided.

Generally a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice is required when ordering interstate travel dockets so please plan ahead. Regular TTSS travel dockets cannot be used for travel outside NSW.

Change of personal details:
For your protection, and to ensure all requests can be authorised as genuine, all changes to personal identifying details (such as name, date of birth or gender) must be sent to TTSS either by fax or mail, with supporting evidence in the form of one of the following documents from the Office of Births, Deaths & Marriages as appropriate:
** Deed Poll
** Certificate of Marriage

Other official documents may be considered by the TTSS Manager.

Changes to contact details (such as address, phone number and alternate contact names) must also be submitted in writing.

Important: Please be sure to notify the TTSS team of any changes to personal details as soon as possible to ensure that your continued access to TTSS is not unintentionally interrupted or terminated.

Important: In most cases it is not necessary to submit a new application to change your personal details.

Wheelchair Accessible Taxis (WAT):
The NSW Government has implemented an incentive payment for drivers of wheelchair accessible taxis to improve the accessibility, reliability and response times for TTSS participants who require a wheelchair at all times for travel.

Qualified wheelchair accessible taxi drivers can claim $8.47 for each TTSS passenger approved for WAT travel they carry. TTSS participants who do require a wheelchair at all times to travel, but are not currently approved to travel in a wheelchair accessible taxi, should submit a supporting letter from their GP or specialist.

To determine if you are approved for travel in a wheelchair accessible taxi refer to the account number on the bottom middle of each travel docket (example highlighted below in red). Docket numbers starting with ’01’ through ’07’ are not approved for WAT travel (referred to as M40), and docket numbers starting with ’08’ and ’09’ are approved for WAT travel (referred to as M50). © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map