Apply For Get Started Vouchers 2015 : Queensland Government

Organization : Queensland Government
Service Name : Apply For Get Started Vouchers 2015
Country: Australia

Website :

Apply For Get Started Vouchers :

Changes to referral agents:
School teachers, local councillors, council youth development officers and members of parliament are no longer eligible to be referral agents. A number of new positions have also been added as referral agents.

Related : Smart Service Queensland Taxi Subsidy Scheme :

For more information on referral agents view Refer a child for a Get Started Voucher.

Important dates :
** Voucher applications open 15 July 2015.
** Voucher applications close on 30 September 2015 or earlier if all available vouchers are allocated.
** Vouchers must be presented to a registered club by 15 October 2015.
** Vouchers must be redeemed online by 30 October 2015.

Is the child or young person eligible for a voucher?:
Children and young people are eligible to apply for a voucher if they are a Queensland resident aged from 5 to 17 (inclusive) at the time of application, and:
** the child, or their parent, carer or guardian, holds a Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card, or
** the child’s application is supported by two referral agents

Eligible children and young people who received a voucher in 2014 are eligible to apply for a voucher in 2015. If your child received a voucher in round 5, they are not eligible for a voucher in round 6.

Vouchers are issued on a first come, first served basis. Once the vouchers are fully allocated for a round, no further vouchers will be issued.

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How to apply:
** Step 1: check you can apply for a voucher
** Step 2: apply online using the QGrants system
** Step 3: present the voucher to a registered club

Step 1: check you can apply for a voucher
** Check you can apply for a voucher and the important dates.
** Use the club locator to check the club you’re interested in joining is registered for Get Started Vouchers.
** Contact the club to find out details of the activity, including the cost of membership and/or participation fees, and any additional costs and equipment required for the activity that will not be covered by the voucher.
** Read and understand the terms and conditions for applying for and using a voucher.

Step 2: apply online using the QGrants system
QGrants is a web-based application so may not work on all mobile devices – check out the technical issues guide for more information.

To use the QGrants system, you need to:
** Register (new user) or log in (current user) to QGrants.

Enter the required information, including:
** a valid Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card number or, if the child or young person is being referred, the contact details of two referral agents and an email, letter or signed fact sheet (PDF, 426KB) from the referral agents.
** name, age and date of birth of the child/young person.

When the round opens you will need the following information:
** a valid Centrelink Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card number, or if the child/young person is being referred, the contact details of two referral agents and an email, letter or signed fact sheet (PDF, 426KB) from the referral agents.
** name, age and date of birth of the child/young person.

If the application is successful a voucher with a unique reference number will be generated on the final page of the application. The voucher will also be emailed to you.

Step 3: present voucher to a registered club
** The $150 voucher must be used at a sport or recreation club registered to accept Get Started Vouchers.
** The voucher should be presented to the club at the time of registration and prior to the expiry date on the voucher.
** It can be used to help pay for club membership and/or participation fees.
** If the membership/participation fees are more than $150, the parent, guardian or carer will need to pay the difference. If the membership/participation fees are less than $150, the club will be reimbursed for the membership/participation fees only. The remaining amount is not provided as cash or as payment for individual items to participate in the activity (such as jerseys, boots etc).

For general enquiries or help with applying for a voucher:
email or
call 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

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