sahealth.sa.gov.au : AHP+PDRP 2015/16 Allied Health Professionals plus Professional Development Reimbursement Program South Australia

Organization : SA Health
Service Name : Allied Health Professionals plus Professional Development Reimbursement Program (AHP+PDRP) 2015/16
Country: Australia

Website : https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/public+content/sa+health+internet

Allied Health Professionals Reimbursement Program :

Allied Health Professionals plus Professional Development Reimbursement Program (AHP+PDRP) :
AHP+PDRP provides additional Professional Development (PD) funds for eligible allied health and scientific health staff working in SA Health.

Related : Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Registration Process Australia : www.statusin.org/26504.html

For the 2015/16 financial year:
** Round 1: opens 3 August 2015, closes 4 September 2015
** Round 2: opens 16 November 2015, closes 18 December 2015
** Round 3: may take place in February 2016 depending on uptake in Rounds 1 and 2

Who can apply:
Current SA Health employees who:
** work under the South Australian Public Sector Wages Parity Enterprise Agreement: Salaried 2014 (opens in a new window); and
** are classified as an Allied Health Professional (AHP), Dental Officer (DO), Grant Funded Scientist (GFSc), Legal Officer (LE, LEC or LSC), Medical Physicist (MPH), Medical Scientist (MeS) or Professional Officer (PO); and
** have registration or professional body requirements that include continuing professional development for registration or accrediting purposes.


Application details:
Please complete an Individual Application via the AHP+PDRP online application system (opens in a new window). Applications can only be submitted via the online system during round opening times.

All documents relevant to your application should be uploaded and attached to your online application. If you have any difficulties, please email the AHP+PDRP team.

You will receive an email three weeks after the close of the round notifying you of the outcome.

What the program covers :
** The AHP+PDRP covers the reasonable reimbursement of professional development activity costs for individuals and groups up to a capped amount per financial year.

Exclusions :
The following items cannot be approved :
** entertaining colleagues/others while at courses/conferences

** providing meals or refreshments, including to paid/unpaid staff
** purchase of medical equipment, for example stethoscopes
** Commonwealth supported places or fees1 paid via a Higher Education Loan Repayment (HELP) or equivalent scheme cannot be approved2

** professional registration, professional association membership or Union fees
** professional insurance
** computers including laptops, PDAs, iPads, mobile phones and phone plans

** internet subscriptions including rental and plan costs
** audio-visual equipment including TVs, monitors and cameras
** payment made on a salary sacrifice card or account, for instance MAXXIA.

Reimbursement for the following items may be supported through existing local funding rather than the AHP+PDRP. The AHP+PDRP will not approve these items as the expenditure associated with them is difficult to administer efficiently via the AHP+ PDRP or has been deemed the responsibility of departments or employees :

** incidental travel expenses including travel insurance, petrol mileage, meals
** transfer costs including taxi fares, bus and train
** text books and professional or trade journals
** coaching or mentoring activities.

Refer to SA Health’s Travel and FBT Policy Directive for more information on Fringe Benefit Tax (FBT) implications for travel.
1 – Eligible post graduate courses are those that do not have Commonwealth supported places. Students in Commonwealth supported places must pay Student Contribution
2 – Fees will not be reimbursed regardless of whether they are paid up-front or via HECS HELP.

Further information:
For further information on the program, including help applying for the program, contact the AHP+PDRP team at AHPplus AT health.sa.gov.au or phone (08) 8226 5697

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