dmp.wa.gov.au EARS Environmental Assessment & Regulatory System : Western Australia Department of Mines & Petroleum

Organization : Department of Mines & Petroleum
Service Name : Environmental Assessment & Regulatory System (EARS)
Country: Australia

Website http://www.dmp.wa.gov.au/Environmental-Assessment-and-1471.aspx

Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System

EARS Online and EARS 2 are online systems for submitting and tracking environmental applications, and compliance reporting.

Related / Similar Facility : DMP Royalties Online System Western Australia

Users must be registered against a company in order to access either system. Applications received by the Department are strictly confidential; only applications lodged by the Company you are registered for will be displayed.

Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF) Reporting:
The MRF became compulsory on 1 July 2014. All tenement holders need to register for the MRF and provide disturbance data on tenements prior to 30 June each year. Penalties for non-compliance will apply if tenement holders fail to report by the deadline.

For more information go to www.dmp.wa.gov.au/mrf. Please email all MRF enquiries to MRFenquiry@dmp.wa.gov.au or phone (08) 9222 3162.

EARS Online:
EARS Online allows online lodgement and tracking of the following Mineral and Petroleum Environmental Applications:
** Programmes of Work – lodgement and tracking
** Mining Proposals – lodgement and tracking
** Mining Proposals with Mine Closure Plans – lodgement and tracking
** Petroleum Environment Plans

Access to Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System (EARS Online)

EARS 2 allows online lodgement and tracking of the following Mineral Environmental Compliance Reports:
** Annual Environmental Reports (AER)
** Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF)

Access EARS 2:
Browser Compatibility Statement

Related Post

It is recommended to use one of the following web browsers when accessing the Department’s website and online systems:
** Internet Explorer – version 9 or above
** Mozilla Firefox – version 24 or above
** Google Chrome – version 29 or above

Use of any browser/version other than those listed above may yield unexpected results.

Require help or assistance?:
Should you require any assistance regarding the system contact the Department’s IT Service Desk on +61 8 9222 0777.

EARS2 Frequently Asked Questions :
Q1. Is it mandatory to submit an Annual Environmental Report?
An Annual Environmental Report (AER) is required for each Environmental Group Site (EGS) associated with mining tenements with active AER conditions. Therefore, it is mandatory for you to submit an AER when it is a condition of your tenement to do so. If you have a query regarding this, please contact an Environmental Officer (EO) within the Department of Mines and Petroleum (DMP).

Q2. Do I need to submit my AER online?
As of 1 July 2013 it is compulsory to submit your AER online via the new Environment Assessment Regulatory System, EARS2.

The DMP released EARS2 as part of DMP’s commitment to improving data collection, efficiencies and transparency for industry, the department and the public. For AERs due after 1 July 2013, hardcopy reports will no longer be accepted.

Q3. Is there a separate AER process for people previously referred to as ‘small operators’?
There is no separate form for people previously referred to as small operators. The EARS2 online wizard is to be used for all AER reporting requirements.

Q4. How do I register to access the EARS2 system to lodge AERs online?
** It is a requirement for a company to nominate a Company Administrator to initially set up the company’s access to EARS2 and then to administer the other users of the system on behalf of the company. Please note, for the purposes of this system, sole traders are treated the same as companies.

** Therefore, the first person to request EARS2 access is required to be the Company Administrator and is required to fill out the Online Systems Registration e-form.
** The Company Administrator will be able to perform all functions of the system, including completing AERs, adding new users, managing existing users and revoking access when someone leaves the company.

** If you are requesting access to complete an AER for a company that has nominated another person as Company Administrator, your request for access must be made through that person who will provide you with the required access.

** All individuals within a company requiring access to EARS2 will need to have registered their details with DMP to obtain an ex account number and password. The Company Administrator can register individual users who do not already hold an ex account prior to granting their access to EARS2.

Categories: Australia
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