usi.gov.au : Unique Student Identifier Australia

Organization : Australian Government
Service Name : Unique Student Identifier
Country: Australia

Website : http://www.usi.gov.au/Pages/default.aspx

USI Unique Student Identifier

Every year, an estimated three million Australians build and sharpen their skills by undertaking nationally recognised training.

Related : Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency Online Student Registration Australia : www.statusin.org/26521.html

From 1 January 2015, all students doing nationally recognised training need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). This includes students doing Vocational Education Training (VET) in schools.

A USI is a reference number made up of numbers and letters. Creating a USI is free. It creates a secure online record of your nationally recognised training that you can access anytime and anywhere, and it’s yours for life.

The USI is linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection, and this means an individual’s nationally recognised training and qualifications gained anywhere in Australia, from different training organisations, will be kept all together.

The USI will:
** link a student’s VET achievements, regardless of where in Australia they did the course
** let students easily access secure digital transcripts of their achievements (transcripts will be available from April 2016)
** give students more control over their VET information.

USIs are free for all students

The USI scheme is free. The USI Office does not charge a fee for individuals creating their USI and maintaining their USI account, which will bring together their records of nationally recognised training completed after 1 January 2015.

Individuals can create their USI for free by themselves. It is a quick and easy process and will only take a few minutes of your time. Or if you like you can learn more about the steps to create a USI below.

Step 1 :Get at least one form of ID from the list below ready:
** Driver’s Licence
** Medicare Card (this includes a current family Medicare card where your name is included)
** Australian Passport
** Non-Australian Passport (with Australian Visa) for international students
** Birth Certificate (Australian) *please note a Birth Certificate extract is not sufficient
** Certificate Of Registration By Descent
** Citizenship Certificate
** ImmiCard

Important: The details you enter when you create your USI must match exactly with those shown on the form of ID used.

If you have no form of ID from the list above, please contact your training organisation or the training organisation you intend to study with.

More information on proof of ID and different types.

Step 2 :Click on ‘Student Entry’ from the Homepage.

Step 3 :Click on ‘Create your USI’ at the top of the page.

Step 4 :Click ‘Continue’ at the bottom of the page.

Step 5: Agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 6: Fill in your personal and contact details.

Step 7 :Enter the requested details as shown on your form of ID (see list above).

Step 8: Set your USI account password and questions for security.

Step 9 :Your USI will now be displayed on the screen.

Step 10: You should write down your USI somewhere safe or enter it into your phone for safe keeping.

Step 11 :Your USI will also be sent to you by either your email, phone or by mailing address (which ever you choose as your preferred contact method when creating your USI).

Step 12 :Be sure to bring your USI with you each time you enrol in VET.

And remember creating your USI is free!

Duplicate USI:
When you create your USI the system will check existing accounts and advise if there is a USI account already established. If you or your training organisation become aware of the possibility of you having two USIs, either party should report the issue to the USI Office. The USI Office will work with the relevant parties to resolve the issue and advise you of the outcome.

Forgotten USI:
If you forget or lose your USI you can retrieve it online. You will need to enter a few details to verify who you are to display your USI. The details must be the same as those you entered when you applied for a USI or, if you did so, when you last updated your USI account.

Visit the help centre for further help.

Categories: Australia
Tags: usi.gov.au
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