e-register.ee Pension Account Balance Statement : Estonian Central Register of Securities

Organization : The Estonian Central Register of Securities
Service Name : Pension Account Balance Statement
Country: Estonia

Website : https://www.e-register.ee/en
Login Here : https://www.eesti.ee/et

Pension Account Balance Statement :

Pension account statement may be used for all citizens of the Republic of Estonia and the persons holding residence permit thereof, whom mandatory funded pension account has been opened for.

Related : EESTi Apply for Maintenance Allowance Estonia : www.statusin.org/27599.html

Pension account balance statement reflects the situation of your pension account on the date selected.

The statement displays:
** the names of pension funds, the units of which you own or have owned;
** net asset value of pension fund unit on date selected;
** number of fund units you own;
** monetary total value of your units;
** monetary total value of your pension account.

NB! :
On entering a current date as a date selected you should consider that your pension account balance might still change during the day.

Pension account balance statement may be used by all citizens of the Republic of Estonia and the persons holding residence permit thereof, whom mandatory funded pension account has been opened for.

Pension Account Statement :
For viewing pension account statement one must enter a period.

Pension account statement reflects:
** Period, for which statement has been made.
** Number of fund units belonging to you at the start of period.
** Date on which the units have been issued to your pension account.

** Price at which units have been issued for you.
** Number of units issued for you on the date of transaction.
** Monetary sum of mandatory pension fund received on your pension account.
** Sum for which units were issued for you. The sum equals the number of fund units x net value of unit.

** Number of fund units belonging to you at the end of statement period.
** Monetary residue for which fund units were not issued. This shall be included in your next funded pension payment.
** Number of fund shares issued for you during the period.
** Number of fund shares taken back to pension fund during the period.

On entering as the ”until” date the current date you must consider that your pension account balance may still change during the day.

For account operator :
** Account operator’s status enables a financial institution to offer its clients securities holding and trading related services in regulated environment, to broaden its customer base and to diversify services offered to them.

How to become an account operator :
** Professional participants in the Estonian securities market and the Bank of Estonia may be account operators. In addition to that, companies holding the activity licence of a professional securities market participant and registered in a Member State of the European Union may also be account operators.

** The supervisory board of the ECSD shall decide granting of the status of an account operator.

In order to apply for the status of an account operator, the following documents shall be submitted to the ECSD :
** a written application;
** the articles of association of the applicant;
** an extract from a register, certifying the authority of the person submitting the application;
** a certified copy of the activity licence of the professional securities market participant;
** an extract from a register, certifying the amount of share capital;

** an overview describing the measures to ensure compliance with obligations and requirements arising from legislation and the data processing rules and to ensure the organisation of cash settlements relating to securities and transfers of securities.

** In addition to the documents listed above, the ECSD may require submission of additional information or documents and conduct on-site inspections if this necessary to prove that the applicant is in a position to perform the obligations of an account operator or that the documents submitted are authentic or the information contained therein is correct.

** The supervisory board of the registrar shall make a decision concerning the grant of or refusal to grant the status of an account operator not later than within twenty working days as of receipt of the information and documents.

** A person who has acquired the status of an account operator and the ECSD shall enter into an agreement which prescribes, inter alia, the services offered by the person with the status of an account operator, the conditions (insurance) and the procedure for commencing activities, and other conditions provided for in the legislation.

** The procedure necessary for applying the status of an account operator is provided in the Estonian Central Register of Securities Act and the Procedure for Maintenance of Estonian Central Register of Securities.


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