rik.ee Punishment Register Estonia : Centre of Registers & Information Systems

Organization : Centre of Registers & Information Systems
Service Name : Punishment Register
Country: Estonia

Website : https://www.rik.ee/et

RIK Punishment Register

The Punishment Register is a state database holding data about punished persons and their punishments. Since year 2012 the Punishment Register is a part of the state-wide e-File.

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The valid records of the Punishment Register are public – except misdemeanour cases where the person has only one valid misdemeanour record with the main punishment being less than 200 € (50 fine units) and with no additional punishment. The Punishment Register also doesn’t publish the data about punishments of minors.


Every person can ask for data from the Punishment Registry:
Electronically via the e-File website:
** E-File can be logged into with the ID card; thereafter, the user can make queries about him/herself and about other persons.
** Information from the e-File pertaining to oneself can be queried without limitations and free-of-charge. Parents can make free-of-charge queries about their minor children.
** Making a query about someone else requires the forename, surname and persona ID code of that natural person or the name and Business Registry code of that legal person.
** A query made about another person without that person’s authorisation is for a fee (the price of a query from the e-File is 4 euros). Queries can be made one by one; queries for a fee can be paid for via the same environment by using online banking before ordering the query. Queries are replied to within two business days.
** You can authorise another natural person (e.g. a representative of the employer) to query for data. By granting this authorisation in the e-File system, the authorised person can make free-of-charge queries about the principal via the e-File. Such an authorisation allows the employer to get more information about the employee than with a paid query.

Sending a query application by e-mail:
It is recommended to use the application form available here to make queries to the Punishment Registry, both on paper and electronically.

Please send the filled-in application to the address of paring@karistusregister.ee

Written queries about another person or repeat queries about own data are subject to prior payment of the state fee in the amount of 4 euros.

If possible, a copy of the relevant proof of payment should be enclosed to the application. A copy of the proof of payment is required if the person submitting the application is not the person who paid the state fee.

Sending a query application by regular mail:
It is recommended to use the application form available here to make queries to the Punishment Registry, both on paper and electronically.

Please send written queries to the following address: P.O.Box 1563, Toompuiestee 33A, 10402, Tallinn, Estonia

In order to get a certified extract on paper, the application form must state that you wish to receive the reply to the query via regular mail, and must state your postal address. Registry data is issued in Estonian language only.

All queries are recorded in the queries journal of the Punishment Registry, and everybody can ask who has been interested in his or her data.

More information:
User support: info@karistusregister.ee
Phone: +372 663 6359

Categories: Estonia
Tags: rik.ee
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