innove.ee : Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Estonia

Organization : Foundation Innove
Service Name : Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications
Country: Estonia

Website : https://www.innove.ee/en/

Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications :

The recognition of foreign professional qualifications is regulated by the Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Act

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The recognition of foreign professional qualifications is necessary when a person has acquired education abroad and wishes to work as a teacher in Estonia.

In order to apply for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications, the applicant shall submit an application in a written format, in a format that can be reproduced in writing or in an electronic format, pay the state fee of 500.00 EEK to the bank account of the Ministry of Finance (account no. 10220034796011 in SEB Bank or account no. 221023778606 in Swedbank), quoting reference no. 2900073562, and submit the following documents:
** a copy of the receipt proving the payment of the state fee;
** a document attesting foreign professional qualifications (diploma, certificate, an attestation of competence) or its authenticated copy;
** identity document of the applicant or an extract of the page with personal data of the identity document;
** if necessary, additional documents (a certificate of work experience, marriage certificate in case of a change of the name, translations of documents in a foreign language, etc.).

The decision whether the foreign qualifications of the applicant conform to the requirements of the profession in Estonia shall be made within two months from the submission of the application and all required documents.

Scope of regulation by the Act:
(1) This Act establishes the bases, conditions and procedure for recognition of foreign professional qualifications in order for persons to work in regulated positions or professions or operate as sole proprietors.

(2) This Act is applied to recognise the professional qualification of doctors, dentists, nurses, dispensing chemists, midwives, veterinarians and architects to the degree that does not conflict with the provisions of any other legislation regulating the corresponding field of activity.

(3) This Act does not apply to regulated positions and professions, for the recognition of the professional qualifications of which international or EU legislation has established special conditions and procedure.

(4) This Act does not apply to the assessment and academic recognition of documents attesting education completed in a foreign state, which takes place pursuant to the conditions and procedure established by the Republic of Estonia Education Act (§ 281).

(5) The provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act apply to administrative proceedings prescribed in this Act, taking account of the specifications provided for in this Act.

Purpose of the Act:
The purpose of this Act is through recognition of foreign professional qualifications to provide access to work in regulated positions or professionsor operating as a sole proprietor (hereinafter referred to as working) on equal conditions with the professional qualifications required in Estonia.

Professional qualifications and foreign professional qualifications:
(1) Professional qualifications as defined by this Act mean documented education and/or professional experience required for working in a regulated position or profession.

(2) Foreign professional qualifications as defined by this Act are professional qualifications specified in subparagraph 1 of this paragraph, which have been acquired in a foreign country and meet the following conditions:
1) Professional experience means actual and legal pursuit of a relevant position or profession.

2) The education has to be acquired mainly in a member state of European Union, a member state of the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation. If the education is mainly acquired in another country but a member state of European Union, a member state of the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation, the person is required to have three years of work experience in the relevant profession, which has been acquired and certified in a member state of European Union or the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation, which has recognised the foreign professional qualifications.

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Tags: innove.ee
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