MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Identity Card Application Bulgaria

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Service Name : Identity Card Application
Country: Bulgaria

Website :

Identity Card Application:

Any Bulgarian citizen residing abroad may submit an identity card issuance application at a diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Bulgaria.

Related : MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bulgaria Passport Issuance :

The applicant files the application in person in the diplomatic or consular representation.Consular official takes a digital image of the applicant’s signature and face.

The consular official informs the applicant about the issued ID card within 5 working days upon the confirmation for the document.

In case the issuance of ID card is prevented by certain discrepancies in the data filled in, the mission informs the applicant within 7 working days for elimination of such discrepancies.

Requirements for the photo:
At missions where no technical capacity is available for taking digital images of applicants’ signatures and faces upon acceptance of their applications, they shall submit their identity card issuance applications with a photograph enclosed.

Sending the applications for ID cards:
The thus collected applications for ID cards can be sent from the representations to the MFA:
1. through the official channels

2. via a carrier company,certified for transfer of valuable items, if the applicant has indicated the use of the service “transfer via a carrier company” and has paid for this service DHL.

Receiving the card:
The ID card is issued by the Ministry of the Interior. The diplomatic representation or consular service informs the citizen within 7 business days.

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The card can be transferred:
1. through official channels, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

2.via a carrier company,certified for transfer of valuable items, if the applicant has indicated the use of the service “transfer via a carrier company” and has paid for this service DHL.

Temporary Passport :
General conditions :
** Temporary passports shall be issued by the diplomatic or consular missions of the Republic of Bulgaria to Bulgarian citizens who reside abroad but do not hold valid travel or identity documents.

** Temporary passports shall be valid for up to 12 months depending on the time needed for the relevant citizen’s return to Bulgaria.

Application :
** A temporary passport shall be issued based on an application.

Upon acceptance of the application, the consular official shall enter into the automated information system :
** The personal data indicated in the application
** Information on the documents enclosed
** Digital images of the applicant’s signature and face

Terms :
** The Ministry of Interior shall, via the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, notify the diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Bulgaria abroad of its opinion concerning the issuance of the temporary passport requested within three working days.

European Emergency Travel Document :
The diplomatic and consular representations of the EU member states can issue an Emergency Travel Document to Bulgarian citizens who have lost or had their documents stolen when in the country of their temporary or permanent residence there is no Bulgarian or diplomatic representation.

An application is required for a temporary passport with a photo and documents which can prove the person’s identity and citizenship.

The validity term of the European Emergency Travel Document is determined on the basis of the minimum term necessary for the travel to be completed along the shortest route and the shortest period possible.

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