Divorce Registration : Armenian Law Office Your Jurisconsult

Organization : Armenian Law Office Your Jurisconsult
Service Name : Divorce Registration
Country: Armenia

Website : http://jurist.am/en/marriageanddivorce

Divorce Registration:

In what order divorce and its state registration in Armenia is carried out?:
If between spouses there is a mutually consent concerning divorce, divorce is made in REGISTRY OFFICE body.

Related : Armenian Law Office Your Jurisconsult Birth Registration : www.statusin.org/11313.html

In REGISTRY OFFICE body divorce can be registered on the basis of the statement of one of spouses, other spouse:
1. it is recognized as court it is unknown the absent
2. it is recognized as court incapacitated
3. it is condemned to imprisonment, for not less than three years.

In above-mentioned cases marriage stops from the moment of the state registration of divorce in REGISTRY OFFICE body.

For registration of divorce of the spouse present to REGISTRY OFFICE body the joint statement. If one of spouses has no opportunity personally to be in body of the REGISTRY OFFICE for submission of the joint statement, expression of will of spouses has to be issued in the form of separate announcements of divorce. The signature of the spouse in the similar announcement has to be certified of a notarial order or other person, authoized performed by notarial actions.

Before registration of divorce of the spouse have at any time the right to refuse the statement for divorce.

The spouse has no right, without a consent of the wife, to submit the statement for divorce during her pregnancy.

Divorce is made only in a judicial order, if:
1) there is no consent about divorce of one of spouses
2) one of spouses, despite the absence of remarks, deviates implementation of the state registration of divorce in the REGISTRY OFFICE
3) spouses, according to their joint statement, wish to dissolve a marriage in a judicial order.

At divorce in a judicial order marriage is considered terminated from the moment of the introduction in validity of a judgment.

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Divorce is subject to the state registration both in case of divorce in a judicial order, and at divorce in REGISTRY OFFICE body.

On the basis of the judgment which have entered validity about divorce in REGISTRY OFFICE body registration of divorce can be made as according to the statement both, and one of spouses.

Registration of divorce is made irrespective of the term which has passed since the introduction in validity of a judgment about divorce. At divorce registration on the basis of the judgment which have entered validity about divorce divorce registration by proxy or by means of the representative is allowed.

What body carries out the state registration of divorce?:
The state registration of divorce is carried out by one of the following bodies of the REGISTRY OFFICE:
** in a place of cohabitation of spouses
** in the place of residence of one of spouses
** REGISTRY OFFICE body in a place of the state registration of marriage

Registration of divorce of citizens without a constant residence is carried out by REGISTRY OFFICE body in a place of its temporary residence. In this case the citizen has to submit the reference from the temporary place of residence, given out by competent authorities.

What documents are submitted for the state registration of divorce in Armenia?:
For the state registration of divorce are represented:
1 . the document proving the identity
2 . the marriage certficate (in the presence of that)
3 . the joint statement of spouses, for divorce execution in REGISTRY OFFICE body in the presence of a mutual consent between spouses
4 . the statement of one of spouses if the second is recognized by court isn’t known absent, or incapacitated, or is condemned on the conclusion by term not less than three years
5 . the statement of the spouse and the judgment which has entered into validity, in case of divorce in a judicial order.

In what terms the state registration of divorce in Armenia is made?:
Registration divorce and granting to each of spouses of the certificate on divorce is made from the date of filing of application about divorce in REGISTRY OFFICE body in a month, but no more, than in three months.

In case of divorce in a judicial order registration of divorce is made after the introduction in validity of a judgment, in day of filing of application in REGISTRY OFFICE body.

What legal consequences are caused by the state registration of marriage in Armenia?:
The state registration of divorce between spouses all obligations connected with the matrimonial relations stop. The spouse who has changed a surname at the state registration of marriage, the having the right ambassador of divorce to keep this surname or to receive the premarital surname.

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