: Birth & Death Registration Falkland Islands

Organization : Falkland Islands Government
Service Name : Birth & Death Registration
Country: Falkland Islands

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Birth & Death Registration :

The Registration Ordinance 1949 provides that the birth of every child born in Stanley, Falkland Islands is required to be registered at the Registry Office within ten days of birth.

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The hospital will produce a notice of birth to the Registrar General so that she/he is aware of the date and time of when the birth took place. The birth must be registered within 10 days of taking place in Stanley and 42 day in Camp.

If the mother and father are married then either of them can come to register the birth and the father will automatically gain parental responsibility. If the father attends the registration then he may be asked to show proof of marriage. However, if the mother and father are unmarried, unless the mother makes a declaration the father will not be able to register the child alone. The mother has to attend the registry too. The father will be required to be present at the registration and sign the register to gain parental responsibility.

In order to register the birth, please contact the Registry to arrange a suitable time for registration. You will be asked to complete a form with details of the birth/mother/father which will be followed by the Registrar General filling in the birth book with the details you have provided and prepare a copy of a birth certificate for you.

Death Registration:
KEMH will contact the Registry Office informing them of the death, and a representative from KEMH will come down to the Registry with the Doctor’s medical certificate of death to ensure that sufficient information is provided for registration. If no further action is required by the Coroner then the death should be registered within five days from when the death occurred or the body was found. The person coming to register the death should be the nearest relative of the person as possible. If there are no relatives available, then there are other people who are able to register the death, please contact the Registrar General for further information.

You should contact the Registry to arrange a suitable time for registration. The Registrar General will complete the death book with the details provided and prepare several copies of death certifications for you. You will be issued with a ‘Registration of Death’ certificate which can be shown to PWD to act as proof of death, before the actual certificate is ready for collection.

Getting Married in the Falklands:
In order to get married in the Falkland Islands you need to initially apply for a licence.

There are two types of licence:
** A Registrar General’s Licence (for those resident in the Falklands for at least 7 days prior to application),
** A Special Licence (for those resident less than 7 days at the time of application).

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The requirements for each type of Licence can be found below:
You can be married almost anywhere in the Falkland Islands with appropriate permissions from landholders, providing that you pay for the reasonable travel cost and any necessary overnight accommodation of the Registry staff in attendance.

All fees must be paid in full before the application for a licence is progressed, as a matter of policy.

If you require an Apostille for your marriage certificate, the Registry can organise this for you through the Attorney General’s Chambers which attracts a further fee.

Please see the Fees list for the current fees associated with getting married in the Falklands.

Registrar General’s Licence to Marry in the Falkland Islands:
It is a requirement that you need to be resident in the Falklands for at least 7 days at the time of application, and you must remain in the Falklands for a further 21 days for the licence to be granted. For this licence, you need to present to the Registry Office and complete two forms which include the details of each party, the date, place, and time of marriage, and a declaration that each person is free to marry. If either party has been married before then a copy of the divorce certificate(s) must be provided (translated into English if in another language).

Special Licence to Marry in the Falkland Islands:
If you are not going to be resident in the Falkland Islands for 7 days prior to you intending to apply then you will need to apply for a special licence to marry from the Governor (this is for those resident less than 7 days at the time of application).

To apply for this licence the following information/documents will be required:
A statutory declaration signed by either person in front of a Notary Public which should contain:
** A statement of the full name of the applicant and of the other party to the marriage;
** Any other name by which either one of the couple has ever been known;
** The address at which the couple usually reside;
** If either person has lived at that address for less than 3 months- any other address at which they have usually resided during the last 3 months;
** The date, place and country of birth of the applicant and of the other party to the marriage;
** A statement that there is no relationship by blood, marriage or adoption between the two parties;
** Details of any previous marriages, if either one of the couple have been married before, and the manner in which it came to an end.

This declaration must be in English or accompanied by an English translation with a certificate from the translator counter-signed by a Notary Public confirming that it is a true and accurate translation.

If either person has been married before and are now widowed or divorced, we will also require copies of the relevant death certificate or divorce certificate with an English translation.

The couple will also need to supply certified copies of each passport, a copy of a telephone bill and utility bill.

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