Thai Vessel Registration : Thailand Transport

Organization : Thailand Transport
Service Name : Thai Vessel Registration
Country: Thailand

Website : http://vigportal.mot.go.th/portal/site/PortalMOTEN/menuitem.433cf49c3b4fbb697a3aecd0506001ca/

Thai Vessel Registration :

Person wishing to give up Thai vessel registration due to number of share in the company not conforming to the law or vessel owner lacked the required qualifications for ownership of Thai vessel and wishing to withdraw the license for registration in another country.

Related : Thailand Transport Application For Airworthiness Certificate & Private Aircraft Utilization : www.statusin.org/11663.html

Steps :
1 Public submits application with documents
2 Scrutinizes documentary evidences
3 Collect fees
4 Registrar recalls license of Thai vessel (and vessel license whatever the case ) Vessel returned

Evidences requried :
Submit application at Vessels Registration Division, Marine Office Branch.

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Submit documents as follows:
1. Application form Kor.5
2. Vessel license.
3. Thai vessel registration
4. Copy of citizenship card of vessel owner, in case of juristic person, there must be Certification from Companies Registration Office describing business objectives, and person with power to sign for the Company.

Annual vessel registration extension :
Extension of permit for vessel annually

Steps :
Procedures for annual vessel license renewal
1.Public submit application with documents
2.Checks documents, evidence Accept application
3.Collect fees
4.Enter details in vessel license Registrar signs and return vessel

Evidences requried :
Submit application at Vessels Registration Division , Marine Department Branch ;

Documents shall be submitted as follows:
1. Application Kor.5
2. Vessel license
3. Vessel inspection certificate
4. Copy of citizenship card of applicant

Categories: Thailand
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