Thailand Transport : Aircraft Registration

Organization : Thailand Transport
Service Name : Aircraft Registration
Country: Thailand

Website : http://vigportal.mot.go.th/portal/site/PortalMOTEN/menuitem.59fe8e9f15b779ec38537ff5506001ca/

Thailand Transport Aircraft Registration

Aircrafts not for aviation use in The Royal Thai military, Royal Thai police, Royal Thai customs, Thailand Ministry of Agriculture businesses and foreign aircrafts

Related : Thailand Transport Thai Vessel Registration : www.statusin.org/11665.html

Registered with foreign nationality pursuant to foreign laws may be used as private or transportation aircrafts subject to registration as aircraft with Thai nationality so that such registered aircrafts are under supervision of the Department of Civil Aviation under the Aviation Act B.E. 2497 and other related laws.

Aircraft registration will take place when
1. The aircraft is brought for registration as aircraft with Thai nationality symbol and registration for the first time

2. For aircraft already so registered but needs to be registered again because the original registration certificate becomes invalid in the following cases]: Change in ownership of the aircraft it was registered by the owner, e.g. the aircraft is sold or transferred to a third party The former applicant for registration is disqualified pursuant to Section 31 of the Aviation Act B.E. 2497, e.g. in case a limited company or public company changes its proportion of directorship causing the majority of directors to be non-Thai nationals, or changes its proportion of shareholders resulting in Thai nationals holding less than 51 per cent of the total number of shares, or the applicant for registration dies It appears that the ownership or possession thereof of the applicant for registration of the aircraft is not consistent with that recorded in the registration particulars

The airworthiness certificate expired for more than 6 months The aircraft has been lost for over 3 months The applicant for registration in case of first registration or new registration for changes shall submit application for reservation of aircraft registration to competent officer to check against the list of registered Thai aircrafts to prevent double application Qualifications of applicants for aircraft registration Applicant for registration must be the owner of the aircraft to be registered, or otherwise a person with the right to possess the aircraft to be registered and is permitted by the Minister for such registration

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Applicant for aircraft registration must have the following qualifications:
1. Natural person:
** Must have Thai nationality
** Must be the owner of the aircraft to be registered or have the right to possess the aircraft to be registered, and must be permitted by the minister for such registration

2. Juristic person:
** Must have Thai nationality
** Must be the owner of the aircraft to be registered or have the right to possess the aircraft to be registered, and must be permitted by the minister for such registration

If being a partnership, limited company or limited public company, must be registered under Thai law with its head office located in the Kingdom of Thailand and must be subject to the following rules:In case of an ordinary partnership, all partners must have Thai nationality o In case of a limited partnership:
(1) All partners with common unlimited liabilities must have Thai nationality
(2) Not less than 51% of its capital must belong to natural persons with Thai nationality

In case of a limited company or limited public company:
(1) The company must not have shares issued to holders
(2) Majority of the company’s directors must have Thai nationality

(3) Not less than 51% of the total shares must belong to the following persons in each category individually or several categories combined:
(a) Natural persons with Thai nationality
(b) Ministries, bureaus and departments of the Government
(c) Limited companies or limited public companies at least 51% of their respective total shares are held by ministries, bureaus and departments of the Government
(d) Limited companies or limited public companies at least 51% of their respective total shares are held by natural persons with Thai nationality
(e) Other juristic persons as prescribed in the ministerial regulation on aircraft registration applicants’ qualifications

In case of an association:
(1) Must be registered pursuant to Thai laws
(2) Its head office is located in the Kingdom of Thailand
(3) Its articles of association must have been approved by the Civil Aviation Commission

Steps :
1. Aircraft registry booking process Follow this step
2. Aircraft registration application process by person with possession right Follow this step
3. Aircraft registration process Follow this step

Evidences required :
1. Aircraft registration application covering letter
2. Aircraft registration application form (FORM : PEL-019)
3. Documents evidencing ownership in the aircraft or the right to possess the aircraft to be registered, e.g. aircraft purchase agreement, aircraft leasing agreement, aircraft bill of sale or any other document evidencing ownership in or the right to possess the aircraft
4. Evidence of aircraft insurance
5. Evidence of aircraft tax payment (in case of bringing in the aircraft from overseas) or any other document evidencing exemption of import tax or granting of investment promotion from the Board of Investment, as the case may be
6. Evidence of withdrawal of aircraft registration from the original state of registry (Confirmation of Cancellation from the Foreign Registry) or a confirmation that the aircraft has not been registered in the state where the aircraft is manufactured

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