Maternity/Birth/Back-To-School/Education Allowance Application : National Family Fund CNPF Luxembourg

Organization : National Family Allowance Fund CNPF
Service Name : Maternity/Birth/Family/Back-To-School/Education Allowance Application
Country: Luxembourg

Website :
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Back-To-School/Education Allowance Application :

Family Benefits::
Entitlement to family benefits varies according to family circumstances, employment, residence, etc.

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For example, cross-border workers can claim family allowances according to their employment circumstances or those of their spouse, whether or not their children live at home, etc.

To find out if you are entitled to claim any benefit, it is best to apply directly to the National Family Allowance Fund (Caisse nationale des prestations familiales, CNPF), giving details of your personal circumstances.

The CNPF is the public establishment which manages all family benefits in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. It deals with about 150,000 cases each year. It has an annual budget of almost 1.2 billion euros.

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Overview of family benefits:
Maternity allowance:
The maternity allowance is normally only for women who do not go out to work. For more information, please refer to the page on ‘Maternity Allowance’ on the website of the CNPF.

Birth allowance:
The birth allowance is paid to women who have undergone proper surveillance and monitoring during pregnancy and birth, and have had their child monitored up to the age of two years, by means of compulsory medical examinations, with medical certificates as proof.

Family allowances:
Family allowances are financial benefits intended to help couples bring up their children by offsetting the family charges, i.e. the financial costs linked to the upbringing and education of the child.

Back-to-school allowance:
A back-to-school allowance is paid in August to parents of children over the age of 6 years accepted in primary education. The allowance is intended to help with the extra expense incurred by the start of the school year. The amount of the allowance varies according to the age of the child and family circumstances. The allowance is automatically paid to parents receiving family allowances for August in the same year. It ceases to be paid in the calendar year during which the child ends secondary or technical secondary education.

Education allowance:
The education allowance is financial compensation paid to a parent who decides, following the birth of his/her child, to either fully give up his/her professional activity for a certain time or to work part-time in order to dedicate himself or herself to the education of the child or children.

Tax bonus for a child:
The tax bonus for a child (‘boni pour enfant’) is calculated on an annual basis. The amount of the bonus depends on social circumstances.

Special additional allowance for a disabled child:
The additional allowance for a disabled child is a financial aid in respect of the additional expenses incurred by reason of the handicap of the child. This monthly benefit is granted for disabled children and is paid in addition to the standard family allowances.

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