fsm.gov.mo Online Enquiry System For Traffic Offence Records Macau : Public Security Police Force

Organization : Public Security Police Force
Service Name : Online Enquiry System For Traffic Offence Records
City : Macau
Country : China

Website : http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/eng/elect_sys.html
Online System : https://www.fsm.gov.mo/webticket/default.aspx

Online Enquiry System For Traffic Offence Records:

Persons wish to enquire whether their vehicles (cars or motorcycles) possessed record(s) of traffic offence, may log into the system to launch their query or pay a fine (if applicable). To enquire about the use of the system, please call (853) 2837 4214 for detail.

Related : Public Security Police Force Reissue of Receipt of Residence Authorization/ Renewal Macau : www.statusin.org/11793.html

It is also possible to register for the “SMS Notification Service for Traffic Offences”. For registration please select the link “click here to register for SMS Notification Service” on the page with the vehicle traffic offence records. This will open a separate registration window.

Online Registration For “Traffic Violations SMS Notification Service”:
1. This SMS Alert Service is applicable to all of the administrative infractions / Minor offences .
2. The SMS Notification Service is only applicable to local mobile phone numbers.
3. The SMS Notification Service may be delayed according to communication network status.
4. The SMS notification is for reference only, all data are subject to the latest record of the Traffic Department.
5. Please fill in your true personal information, which is for the sole purpose of notification of traffic violations.
6. To ensure the confidentiality of the data entered in this website, the Security Sockets Layer (SSL) is in use for this Service.
7. In case the registered owner of the vehicle is changed, this SMS Notification Service will be automatically suspended.

On-board Clearance :
Introduction  : (Service Coverage)
** Drivers holding any driving licence that meets the requirements of Mainland and Macao can drive their vehicles bearing both Mainland and Macao licence plates to the border checkpoints at the Border Gate and Cotai and go through immigration clearance at the vehicle channels.

Location :
** Vehicle channels at the Border Checkpoint at the Border Gate
** Vehicle channels at the Border Checkpoint at Cotai

Related Post

Use :
Target Groups and Application Eligibility :
Drivers :
** Macao residents and visitors holding any driving licence that meets the requirements of both Mainland and Macao

On-board passengers :
** Macao SAR residents, PRC Two-way Exit Permit holders, Hong Kong Permanent Identity Card holders, persons other than the above three categories but aged below 18 (when unaccompanied by any adult passengers only)

Statement of Travel to HKSAR :
Certificate :
1. Statement to prove the applicant is in application procedure
2. Certificate to prove the document is copied from the applicant’s dossier
3. Certificate issued according to the information in archives

Target Groups and Application Eligibility :
** Macao residents who are not eligible for a travel document which entitles them to travel to Hong Kong but need to go there in an emergency (e.g. attending family funeral, seeking medical treatment, visiting critically-ill relative, summoned by a consulate or a court in Hong Kong, etc.

Application Approach :
** The interested person (or a representative) and his/her guarantor (a Macao permanent resident) going to the Residents Subdivision together for application

Required Documents :
1. A completed application form for the Statement;
2. Copy of the interested person’s Macao Identity Card;
3. Proof of urgent need to travel to Hong Kong;
4. Other relevant proof or document;
5. 3 photos of 1.5-inch, full face, no-hat, white-background, coloured / black-and-white;
6. Copy of guarantor’s Macao Identity Card.

Note :
** In case of travelling to Hong Kong for medical treatment, the document listed above in Point 3 refers to an official letter from the Centro Hospitalar Conde de São Januário and a medical certificate issued by a doctor.]

Enquiry Methods :
In person :
Immigration Department Office Building,
Travessa Um do Cais de Pac On,
Taipa, Macao
Tel: (853) 2872 5488
Fax: (853) 8897 0300
Email: sminfo AT fsm.gov.mo

Categories: Macao/Macau
Tags: fsm.gov.mo
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