Special Authorization To Stay For Non-Resident Students Macau : Public Security Police Force

Organization : Public Security Police Force
Service Name : Special Authorization To Stay For Non-Resident Students
City : Macau
Country : China

Website : http://www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/eng/SANS_Issue.html

Special Authorization To Stay For Non-Resident Students :

Introduction (Service Coverage):
1. Mainland students who intend to take a higher education program at a higher institute in Macao are required to apply for “Special Authorization to Stay” (aka “Authorization to Stay – student type”) and renewal of the Authorization according to Terms 1-4, Article 8 of Law No. 4/2003 in order to legally stay in Macao for study.

Related : Public Security Police Force Non-Resident Worker’s Identification Card Macau : www.statusin.org/11788.html

2. Students from other countries/regions and studying at a higher institute in Macao may apply for “Special Authorization to Stay” (aka “Authorization to Stay – student type”) and renewal of the Authorization according to Terms 1-4, Article 8 of Law No. 4/2003 if the limit of stay granted in the original “Authorization to Stay” is not long enough for them to legally stay in Macao for study.

Extension of “Authorization to Stay”:
1. Statement to prove the applicant is in application procedure
2. Certificate to prove the document is copied from the applicant’s dossier
3. Certificate of record of “Special Authorization to Stay” for foreign students
4. Certificate issued according to the information in archives

Target Groups and Application Eligibility:
I. Target Group:
Non-resident students taking a higher education program in Macao

Application Eligibility:
1. Meeting the stipulations relevant to the system of entry, stay and residence authorization in Macao

(e.g. 1. Meeting the stipulations relevant to the system of entry, stay and residence authorization in Macao and

2. Not in a lawfully restricted status. [Note: For reference, please see ‘Remark’])

2. Admitted to a higher institute in Macao

3. Limit of stay granted in original “Authorization to Stay” not long enough for the student to legally stay in Macao until the program ends.

Application Approach:
1. Mainland Students:
Mainland students holding a “P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao” are required to apply for “Authorization to stay – student type” as soon as they enter Macao with “Type D – Stay” endorsement and within the limit of stay granted upon their first entry (a maximum of 90 days). [For details, please see Point I in “Remark”]

2. Students from other countries/regions:
They should make the application in person 20 days before the expiry of the “Authorization to Stay”.

3. Documents to be Presented :
The original should be exhibited for authentication if a copy is submitted

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I. Documents to be submitted:
1. A completed application form for “Special Authorization to Stay”;
2. Documents certifying enrollment at a higher institute in Macao and stating the program duration (e.g. school testimonial);

3. A recent 1.5-inch, full-face, no-hat, white-background, coloured or black-and-white photo of the interested person;
4. Valid passport/travel document of the interested person:
(1) Students from the Mainland China – A copy of a valid “P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao” and “Type D – Stay” endorsement (bio data page and inside pages with exit-entry stamps and the “endorsement” for book style “P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao” users), and the copy of Arrival Card for the latest entry to Macao;

(2) Students from other countries/regions – A copy of a valid passport/travel document (bio data page only), and the Arrival Card for the latest entry to Macao.

II. Follow-up procedure :
1. After submitting all the necessary documents and receiving a “receipt”, the interested person (or institute representative) is required to come for inquiry of the application result on the date specified on the “receipt”.

** For inquiry of the progress of the application, the interested person may refer to ‘Inquiry System of Progress of Application for “Special Authorization to Stay” for Non-resident Students’ on our website. He/she can come for the follow-up procedure when the result is out.

2. Individual application :
(1) The interested person is required to bring along the following documents for inquiry of the application result:
A. Application acceptance receipt
B. Valid passport/travel document or “P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao” (together with “Type D – Stay” endorsement)

(2) If the application is approved, the interest person will be issued “Slip of Authorization to Stay – student type”, and sign to acknowledge the notification letter.

3. Group application by institute :
** The institute can make the application on behalf of the students so that their visits to the Immigration Department can be minimized.

The procedure is as follows :
(1) The institute sends an official letter to the respective Subdivision, providing the personal information of the institute representative;

(2) When making the application, the institute representative is required to:
A. Present his/her staff card and identity card to the Subdivision for verification;

B. Bring along the valid passport/travel document or “P.R.C. Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macao” (together with “Type D – Stay” endorsement) of the students concerned so that the relevant procedure can be completed when the application is approved;

C. Sign to acknowledge the notification letter on behalf of the students;

(3) The institute representative should check the documents in the presence of an immigration staff and ensure to return the travel document and notification letter to the respective student.

Note :
** If the institute adopts the approach of group application to facilitate the students, it should supervise the whole procedure, ensuring that its representative can collect all the documents of the students concerned and submit them to the respective Subdivision, as well as returning the documents to the respective student upon completion of the procedure.

Categories: Macao/Macau
Tags: fsm.gov.mo
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