Serbia Ministry of Foreign Affairs : Biometric Passport

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Service Name : Biometric Passport
Country: Serbia

Website :

Biometric Passport :

During the stay abroad, passports may serve as a proof of identity and citizenship of the Republic of Serbia of their holders. A passport can be used exclusively by the person to whose name it has been issued.

Related : Ministry of Foreign Affairs Apply For Citizenship Serbia :

Throughout your stay in a foreign country, you are cautioned to take good care of your passport. Should your passport be lost or damaged you are advised to immediately contact nearest diplomatic or consular mission of the Republic of Serbia.

If you need a biometric passport of the Republic of Serbia:
Biometric passports of the Republic of Serbia are issued by the competent authority in charge of internal affairs.

Applications for biometric passports can be submitted to the following diplomatic or consular missions of the Republic of Serbia abroad.

Applications for biometric passports should be submitted in person. In case applications are submitted for underage children, their presence shall also be required.

The application form should be accompanied by the following original documents:
** certificate of citizenship (issued within one year at the most) only for the first issuance of a biometric passport. For each subsequent issuance, the proof of citizenship shall be required only in case personnel data have changed;
** birth certificate
** identification document: e.g. biometric passport, old blue passport or identity card.

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Underage persons, regardless of age, shall be issued individual passports. They cannot be entered in their parents’ passport. In addition to the documents listed above, both parents must appear in person to apply for a passport for a minor child. Certified written parental consent shall be required for a parent not able to appear in person. Sample consent is available here. Parental consent shall also be required for a parent who is a foreign national.

The applications will be processed within a 60-days legal deadline.

Diplomatic-consular missions shall not accept the applications for biometric passports for:
a) children born abroad until their birth has been duly registered in the vital records in Serbia, as well as their residence in Serbia and after they are assigned a JMBG (Personal identification number).
b) persons who concluded marriage before a foreign authority and apply for a new passport with a changed family name unless the change of family name has been duly registered in the vital records in Serbia.

For more information, please contact the nearest diplomatic-consular mission of the Republic of Serbia.

If you are a holder of a blue passport of the “FR Yugoslavia”

Passports bearing the inscription “Federal Republic of Yugoslavia” (blue passports) ceased to be valid on 31 December 2011.

You have lost your passport abroad

In case you have lost your passport on a trip abroad, you should immediately contact the police authorities of that country and ask to be issued a receipt to that effect. You should then submit the receipt to the nearest diplomatic or consular mission of the R. of Serbia which will issue a travel document for your return to Serbia, once the procedure to establish your identity and citizenship has been duly completed

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