Travel advice for EU Citizens : Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Organization : Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Service Name : Travel advice for EU citizens
Country: Poland

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Travel advice for EU citizens :

** The terms and conditions of arrival and stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland for EU citizens are governed by the Act of July 14, 2006 on the entry into, residence in and exit from the Republic of Poland of nationals of European Union member states and members of their their family (Journal of Laws No. 144, item 1043).

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** This law replaced the previous relevant law published on July 27 2002 on arrival and stay in as well as exit from the territory of the Republic of Poland by EU citizens and members of their family.

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** Apart from EU citizens and members of their family, the current regulation – the Act of July 14 2006- also applies to: 1) nationals of non-EU European Economic Area states; 2) nationals of states which are not parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area and who may exercise their right to move and reside freely within the territory on the basis of the agreements concluded by these States with the European Community and its member states. These regulations also apply to members of their family who join them or reside with them.

** You will find detailed information concerning the rules for border crossing, the right to stay for more than 3 months, the right to permanent residence, the obligation to register residence, the issuance of certificates concerning registration of stay of a EU citizen and residence cards, working and other issues concerning EU citizens and their family members during their stay in the territory of the Republic of Poland on the website of the Office for Repatriation and Aliens as well as on the following voivodship websites.

Visiting Poland :
The fastest way to immerse yourself in contemporary Polish culture and have a crash course in its history is to head for one of the urban centres. But mind you, every city offers a different version. Poland was split between three empires throughout the nineteenth century and its borders shifted completely in 1945.

Cities and regions developed as on quicksand, seeing entire ethnic and social groups come and go and absorbing various influences. Thus, each one displays a unique architectural and social landscape and has its own flavour of modern Poland .

Poland was a late bloomer when it came to industrialisation or modern farming. What was considered a disadvantage for decades has turned out to be an asset. It means that there are parts of the country, especially in the northeast, where primeval forests and vast marshes never had to make way for agriculture and where lakes were never threatened with pollution. From the white, sandy Baltic beaches in the north to the mountains in the south, there is plenty to be discovered.

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