tarleton.edu Homecoming Social Media #SelfieWithTheStatue Contest 2015 : State University

Organization : Tarleton State University
Competition Name : Homecoming Social Media #SelfieWithTheStatue Contest 2015
Location/Country : Texas, United States
Competition Deadline : October 18th, 2015

Website : http://www.tarleton.edu/homecoming/contest.html

Homecoming Social Media #SelfieWithTheStatue Contest 2015:
Capture Your Best Selfie with John Tarleton!

Set in the center of a rebuilt campus core, John Tarleton towers over campus visitors as a symbol of history, tradition and far-reaching vision. Tarleton, a businessman and farmer with little formal education, bequeathed nearly $100,000 to find the college that is Tarleton State University. More than 100 years later, the university installed a monumental bronze statue as an iconic focal point to honor its legendary founder.

This homecoming, help us remember our founder and celebrate his legacy by participating in “Selfie with the Statue”. Between October 12 and October 18 post your favorite selfie with John Tarleton and Oscar P. The most creative selfie will win a beautiful 48in. x 69in. cotton blanket featuring the Tarleton State University logo (pictured to the left). We will also randomly select 9 additional winners to receive a Campus Bookstore Gift Card.

Winners will be announced on Monday, October 19 via social media.

** The photo must be posted after October 12 at 8 a.m. and before October 18 at 5 p.m.
** In an effort to keep the Spirit of John Tarleton alive, any photos of participants climbing on or defacing the statue will be disqualified.
** Participants should post public photos so they are visible on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag them with #SelfieWithTheStatue.
** Participants must use original photos.

By submitting photos to the contest you consent to the following:
By entering the contest using the hashtag #selfiewiththestatue, I hereby grant Tarleton State University the right to copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, exhibit or display my photograph, name and social media profile information for promotional use or other purposes that promote Tarleton’s mission. I understand these rights are granted to Tarleton and may be used in whole or part. I affirm that the subjects in my photo have agreed that their likenesses may be used with the terms and conditions of this contest listed above.

Tags: tarleton.edu
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