#LiveLoveLead Photo Contest 2015 USA : Wishpond Technologies & Hillsong Church Ltd

Organization : Wishpond Technologies & Hillsong Church Ltd
Competition Name : #LiveLoveLead Photo Contest 2015
Applicable Country : United States or District of Columbia
Competition Deadline : October 31st 2015
Voting Deadline : November 10th, 2015

Website :

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1. #LiveLoveLead Photo Contest 2015:

Enter now for your chance to win flights, accomodation and tickets to Hillsong Conference Australia 2016 for you and a friend!

Applicable For : USA Residents

To enter, simply follow these instructions:
1. Follow @brianchouston on Instagram
2. Instagram a photo with your copy of the book Live Love Lead and tag it with #livelovelead

You will automatically be entered and your Instagram photo will be displayed in the gallery below! The winner with the most creative entry will be announced on the 10th November 2015. Please note: entry is only open to USA residents.

2. Voting & Entry rules:

** At the time of voting, participant must be a legal resident of one (1) of the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia, (18) years of age or older and cannot be an employee, agent or representative of Hillsong Church Ltd, or any affiliated or related church, organization or company (“Hillsong”).
** Voting will close on 11:59pm November 10th, 2015 Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time.
** The photos must be validly submitted between September 30th 2015 (“opening date”) and October 31st 2015 (“closing date”) to be eligible for voting.
** After the closing date, one image will be named as the winner based on total votes calculated.
** Entrant must have an active Instagram account to enter.
** Maximum one entry per person.
** Each image can only be entered once. Duplicates will be removed in invalidated at Hillsong’s discretion.
** The image must be your original work.
** You must be the sole author and owner of the copyright of the image entered.
** Source material or proof of permission to use must be made available on request by Hillsong.
** Hillsong does not accept any liability for the publication of unlawfully reproduced images.
** All images should show the book Live Love Lead.
** Computer-generated or computer-altered images will not be accepted. Artwork and illustrations will not be accepted.
** To enter, post the photograph to your instagram account and use the hashtag “#LiveLoveLead….”
** Hillsong takes no responsibility for entries that do not have an accurate hashtag.
** Hillsong reserves the right to exclude any image from entry if it contains or eludes to any derogatory, prejudicial, or inappropriate material to be determined at Hillsongs sole discretion.
** By entering your image, you grant Hillsong the non-exclusive right to reproduce it for any purpose at any time in any media with attribution.
** The winners consent to the use of their image, name and/or photograph in any publicity carried out by Hillsong without further compensation.
** The winning image will be the image that receives the most votes.
** Any image may be excluded from the competition should Hillsong reasonably suspect tampering of voting including if there is suspected use of assistant technologies to artificially inflate the voting of particular images.
** Hillsong’s decision on all matters relating to the competition is final. No correspondence will be entered into.
** We reserve the right, at our discretion, to disqualify or discount any entrant, image or vote connected to votes cast by unfair means.
** Prizes are non-transferable and the winner must have a valid passport. Hillsong takes no responsibility for the ability of the winner to be able to claim their prize. Should the winner be unable to secure valid entry into Australia, or be unable to claim their prize, the prize will be forfeited.

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