Merit Scholarship 2014 Singapore : Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts

Name of the Organisation : Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (
Type of Announcement : Merit Scholarship 2014
Country : Singapore
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Ministry of Education Merit Scholarship Singapore :

Merit Scholarship 2014 :

NAFA offers a range of financial award schemes namely Scholarships, Merit Awards and Bursaries which aims at helping students cope with the cost of art education in Singapore.

Period of Award : Each award is tenable for one academic year July 2014 – June 2015

Over the years, we received generous donation from various donors and supporters which helped realised the dream of many students to complete their studies at NAFA.

Important Information to all students:

A) Who May Apply NAFA new diploma students who are enrolling for the AY2014/2015 intake. Note: Diploma in Art Teaching and Diploma in Music Teaching students are not eligible to apply as they are already fully sponsored by Ministry of Education (MOE).

B) Submission of Application Submit the completed form with all supporting documents directly to:
Secretariat of Scholarships & Financial Aids Panel,
Office of Student Affairs (NAFA Campus 1 Level 2)
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts,
80 Bencoolen Street,
Singapore 189655

Your application will not be accepted if:
** The application form and supporting documents submitted are incomplete;
** The submission is received after the closing date.

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Please note that it is compulsory to submit all employed family member’s income documents which may include latest payslips, CPF statements, Income Tax documents, income certification letter by employer etc.

Please do not submit original documents as they will not be returned to you. You may be asked to produce originals for verification if your application is successful. You are expected to pay any outstanding fees even in the midst of application to avoid the penalty charge imposed. Please note that submission of this form does not guarantee you an award.

D) Notification of the outcome of application You will be notified of the outcome of your application by 1st week of May 2014.

E) Outcome of application The disbursement of the awards is at the sole discretion of the Academy and all decisions made are final.

Important notes :

** Per-Capita Income (PCI) is computed based on the total gross income of immediate and non-immediate family members divided by the total number of immediate and non-immediate family members, where,
(i) lmmediate family members include spouse, parents and all children who may or may not be living together with the student.
(ii) Non-immediate family members include grandparents, siblings, spouses of siblings, siblings of parents, and any other relatives who are living together with the student.

(iii) Income = gross (i.e. including employee’s CPF contribution) income contributions from self employment, business or salaried employment (which includes basic salary, allowances overtime pay, etc) as well as other sources of income (e.g rent). Payments in kind, reimbursement for transport and other expenses and National Service (NS) allowance earned by NS men are excluded.

** Additional requirements on nationality, household income, discipline of study, completion of National Service and tuition grant eligibility may be specified by the various donors on the selection of the various Scholarship, Merit Award and Bursary recipients.

** There is no bond for recipients. However, recipients are required to attend the Scholarships and Awards tea session organized by the Academy.
** Some schemes may also require recipients to perform community service as part of the objective in promoting social responsibility and awareness.

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  • What has been the average merit award amount in the recent 3 years at NAFA for diploma students?
    Has there been students who received full waiver of tuition fees through Scholarship award? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map