University of Johannesburg 2015 Academic Online Application & Status Check South Africa

Name of the Organization : University of Johannesburg
Type of Facility : 2015 Academic Online Application
Location : Johannesburg
Country : South Africa
Website :

UJ Johannesburg Academic Online Application

Application Process :
The 2015 Academic Application Cycle is now open.

Related / Similar Facility : UJ NSFAS Application South Africa

Methods of Applying :
You have the option to choose only ONE of the following

1.Online Web Application – Free
2. Paper-based Application- R200 

Please Take Note :
We have recently been made aware that some applicants fall prey to so-called ‘agents’ working on behalf of the University of Johannesburg. These ‘agents’ promise to apply on your behalf to the University of Johannesburg and charge you a certain fee.
No “Agent” or any other person is allowed to charge additional fees for an application to the University of Johannesburg.

Information & Guidelines for Applying

1 : Any person, who wishes to register for a qualification offered by the University of Johannesburg for a particular academic year, must apply for admission to that qualification before the relevant closing date.

Applicants must submit their applications in the prescribed format (online or hard copy) by no later than the application closing dates and must pay the required non-refundable application fee. Closing dates and application fees are determined annually. Different qualifications may have different closing dates and application fees. The relevant closing dates and fees for each qualification are available at the University’s webpage (Apply AT UJ, Application Closing Dates).

2 : South African universities annually receive more applications for admission from prospective applicants than the study spaces available for new applicants in their qualifications. Universities have enrolment plans according to which the number of applicants admitted into their programmes, is regulated. In line with this, the University of Johannesburg cannot in all cases admit every applicant who complies with the minimum admission requirements prescribed for admission to its qualifications.

Applicants who have demonstrated the best potential to successfully complete the qualifications to which they seek admission are selected for admission on the basis of academic performance and any other evidence of potential as required by the curriculum and professional requirements of the qualification.

The selection criteria for qualifications are based on these considerations, as well as on the academic admission requirements and the enrolment plan applicable to them.

3 : Each applicant is allocated an admission code on the University’s student system indicating the admission status. The main possibilities are “Admitted”, “Conditionally admitted”, “Provisionally admitted” or “Not admitted”. This admission status code can be viewed on the University’s webpage under the following link : Apply AT UJ, Check Application Status.

4 : If an applicant must still comply with outstanding admission requirements, the application cannot be finalised. Such applicants will not be admitted unconditionally to the qualification, but may be “conditionally admitted”, “provisionally selected depending on space available” or “not admitted” as may be required by the enrolment plan followed in respect of the qualification, even if they meet the minimum admission requirements for a qualification.

5 : Provided that an applicant has submitted an application in time, has furnished the University with all the relevant information and documentation to consider the application, and has paid the required application fee, an admission status will be allocated to the applicant in one of the following ways :

(a) “Admitted”. Applicants with this admission status will be permitted to register for the qualification to which they were admitted during the approved registration period without meeting further conditions.

(b) “Conditionally admitted”. This admission status is reserved for applicants who apply for admission on the ground of their final Grade 11 examinations results and would sit for their final Grade 12 examinations before the commencement of the academic year for which they apply for admission.

Conditionally admitted applicants are required to fully meet all the minimum admission requirements of the qualification when obtaining the National Senior Certificate (or other relevant certificates). The admission status is changed to “Admitted” if these applicants comply with this condition in time. The admission status of applicants, who do not comply with this condition in time, is changed to “Not admitted”.

(c) “Provisionally selected subject to space availability”. Applicants who comply with the admission requirements of the qualification on the ground of their final Grade 11 examination results are not necessarily admitted conditionally, but may be “provisionally selected depending on space available” or “not admitted” if so required by the enrolment plan in respect of the qualification.

This means that a decision will be made in future whether to change the admission status of the applicant to “Admitted” or “Not admitted”.

When making the final decision, the University will consider whether the applicant meets all the admission requirements of the qualification and whether there is study space available for the applicant in the qualification, having regard to the number of applicants who have already been admitted. The University will endeavour to make a final decision as soon as is practically possible, having regard to the enrolment plan applicable to the qualification, but it may normally only be possible to do so during the registration period determined for the programme.

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This is also applicable to applicants who have already completed their Grade 12 studies and those who have been registered at a higher education institution after Grade 12.

(d) “Not admitted”. This means that an applicant’s application to the particular qualification has been declined based on one or more reasons.

6 : The admission status of an applicant is recorded on the University’s student system and can be viewed by an applicant from the appropriate link on the University’s website (Apply AT UJ, Check Application Status).

7 : In cases where an applicant’s admission is dependent on spaces available, the available study spaces (if any) may be filled by ranking prospective applicants who have not already been admitted in accordance with their academic performance.

8 : When considering an applicant’s academic performance for selection and ranking applicants in accordance with their academic performance, the University may have regard to all information and documentation which can assist in the assessment of an applicant’s academic abilities and potential.

These include the results achieved by an applicant in the National Senior Certificate and/or in any other qualification for which the applicant registered at the University of Johannesburg or elsewhere.

9 : The admission status of an applicant who had previously registered for any qualification at the University of Johannesburg or at another institution may be determined taking the academic performance of the applicant in that qualification and the enrolment plan in respect of the programme to which they seek admission into consideration. Such applicants may be “admitted”, “provisionally selected depending on space available” or “not admitted”.

10 : The Student Enrolment Centre, the faculties and the academic departments of the University administer applications for admission in terms of internal arrangements that may differ from qualification to qualification.

Departments and faculties allocate an admission status with due regard to their specific needs to deal effectively with applications. After the allocation of an admission status and its recording on the student system, a computer-generated letter associated with that status will be issued to applicants.

In view of the general nature of such letters and the differences that may exist between qualifications in determining an admission status in accordance with the enrolment plan, the letters must be read keeping in mind the information contained in this document.

11 : An applicant whose application for admission has been declined may ask for reasons for such declining from the University’s Student Enrolment Centre.

12 : The University may upgrade the admission status of applicants who applied for admission on the ground of their final Grade 11 examination results from “Not admitted” to “Provisionally selected depending on space available” or “Conditionally admitted”, and from “Provisionally selected depending on space available” to “Conditionally admitted”.

The admission status of other applicants may be upgraded from “Not admitted” to “Provisionally selected depending on space available” or “Admitted”, and from “Provisionally selected depending on space available” to “Admitted”.

Such upgrading is done at the sole discretion of the University with the view of reaching the enrolment target for the relevant qualification. An applicant does not have the right to petition for such upgrading or lodge an appeal in respect thereof.

13 : The relaxation of the admission or selection criteria for a specific qualification only applies to that qualification and in respect of the academic year for which the criteria are relaxed.

14 : Applicants must note that applications for admission to a qualification, applications for admission to a residence and applications for a bursary or loan (for e.g. a NSFAS loan) through the University are three separate processes.

This implies that admission to a qualification does not mean that an applicant is admitted to a residence or that a NSFAS loan has been approved. The outcome of applications for admission to a qualification, the outcome of applications for admission to a residence and the outcome of applications for a loan or bursary are communicated separately to an applicant.

15 : By applying for admission to qualifications offered by the University, applicants undertake to abide by and comply with the rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the University of Johannesburg which is applicable for selection and admission as amended from time to time.

Check Application Status

Only first time entering students can check their application status, returning students have to contact 011 559 4555.

Please enter your student number below, if you do not have a student number you may also use your ID/Passport number to search.

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