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University of Johannesburg 2015 NSFAS National Student Financial Aid Scheme Application South Africa

Name of the Organization : University of Johannesburg
Type of Facility : NSFAS National Student Financial Aid Scheme Application
Location : Johannesburg
Country : South Africa
Deadline : 1 October, 2014
Website :

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What is NSFAS National Student Financial Aid Scheme?

It is an acronym for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. NSFAS is a statutory body, funded primarily by South Africa’s National Department of Higher Education, providing study loans to academically deserving and financially needy students who wish to study at one of South Africa’s public higher education institutions. NSFAS has appointed the University of Johannesburg (UJ) to administer funds on its behalf.

Related / Similar Service : UJ NSFAS Approved Students List South Africa

Last Date :
The closing date for applications for the 2015 registration is 1 October 2014 for all students.

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Please Note

You have to apply for NSFAS every year Previous or current NSFAS loans do not guarantee future NSFAS loans. It is your responsibility to find out if your application was successful.
The list will be published at on 15 December 2014 If you provide incorrect information on this application form you will be disqualified and you will forfeit your NSFAS loan.

If your application is approved and you do not sign a contract (LAF) after registration your account will not be paid and you will forfeit your NSFAS allocation.
Please read the notes and instructions on the last page before completing the application form.

Download Application :

Instructions of NSFAS

Read these notes carefully before you complete the application form. Make sure that you read every section and that the information you provide is accurate. Please familiarize yourself with the complete NSFAS rules and regulations published annually and available from your NSFAS office or at


2. Postal applications will be accepted before the closing date if all required documentation is included. If documentation is not included the form will be returned and the application will be regarded as unsuccessful.

3. The University of Johannesburg does not take responsibility for undelivered or missing postal applications.

4. Only original application forms will be accepted and it should be submitted at the UJ NSFAS Campus offices only.

5. Do not send original documents (excluding affidavits). Attach certified copies to the application form. Only original affidavits will be accepted. No e-mailed or faxed documents will be accepted.

6. The closing date for applications for the 2015 registration is 1 October 2014 for all students.

7. No late or incomplete applications will be accepted and these students will be responsible for their own fees for 2015.

8. Students who are granted a bursary from another organization/institution are obliged to inform the NSFAS office at the appropriate campus. The UJ reserves the right to withdraw an award if the student receives a full bursary elsewhere.

9. An award is granted for one year only
10. Part-time students will not be considered.

11. Non-South African citizens will not be considered.
12. A student must have passed at least 60% of the registered subjects in the previous year to qualify for NSFAS.

13. A student may not receive a loan for longer than five (5) years.
14. Any credit balances on accounts will be sent to NSFAS as a first loan repayment.

15. If your application is approved and you do not sign a contract (LAF) after registration your account will not be paid and you will forfeit your NSFAS allocation.
16. Please make sure that you receive an acknowledgement of receipt when you hand in this form at the NSFAS Office.

Documents Required For NSFAS

Kindly send the following documents along with the application form :
** If both parents are working, recent payslips not older than 2 months are required from each parent. If a parent is paid on a weekly basis four consecutive payslips should be submitted. If a parent is paid on a two-weekly basis (fortnightly) 2 consecutive payslips should be submitted.

** If a parent is unemployed an affidavit signed by the unemployed parent is required, confirming his/her own unemployment.
** If a parent is working in the informal sector where official payslips are not issued (eg informal selling) the rand value of the income gained per month must be stated in the affidavit.
** If a parent is employed as a domestic worker/gardener, a letter from his/her employer is required, stating the period of employment and the monthly salary. The letter should include the contact details of the employer.

** If there is anybody in the household that receives a state pension or a child support grant, proof is should be submitted. A certified copy of the most recent pension slip, pay point slip or an original 3 month bank statement should be submitted. These slips should reflect the name/ id number and received amount. It is recommended to submit a SASSA letter.

** If the family/student is sponsored or assisted by a sponsor/family member or friend an affidavit signed by the sponsor/family member/friend should be submitted stating the monthly rand value of the sponsorship/help.
** If parents are divorced a certified copy of the divorce decree should be submitted.
** If a parent is deceased, a certified copy of the death certificate should be submitted.

** If the whereabouts of a parent is unknown or if the parent has absconded or does not contribute towards the finances of the family, an affidavit is required from the parent whom the student lives with. The parent writing the affidavit should not only indicate that he/she is single, but also that the other parent’s whereabouts are unknown and that no financial support is received.

** If a student lives with his/her grandparents, or guardian an affidavit from the guardian or grandparents is required, stating the whereabouts of the biological parents and the rand value of the parents’ monthly support to the student.

If R0 it should be stated. Proof of income of grandparents should then also be provided. Guardians should also provide an affidavit stating the monthly contribution to the student.

** If a sibling (brother or sister) over the age of 18 is unemployed and is still living with the family an affidavit signed by the unemployed sibling is required, confirming his/her own unemployment. If the sibling is employed, an affidavit stating the R value of the sibling’s contribution to the family income should be submitted. This is also required if students stay with a sibling or family member (eg aunt).

** If a sibling is studying a tertiary institution (university) a proof of registration of that particular student is required.

** Certified copies of identity documents (or birth certificates where identity documents are not available) for every member of the household including the applicant should be submitted.

** If a student’s surname differs from his/her parent surname, an affidavit from one of the parent’s must be submitted as to why the surnames differ.
** Please note that no faxed copies of documents will be accepted. Documents may not be sent via e-mail

** All copies of documents must be certified
** Please make sure all required documentation is attached before submitting the application form, as incomplete applications will not be processed and it will be regarded as an unsuccessful application.

For More Information :
Go to and click on the Finance tab or send an e-mail to nsfas AT You can also locate us at our

NSFAS Campus Offices

Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus : (011) 559 -1250/1173/1193/1594/1552; A Red 24.
Auckland Park Kingsway Campus : (011) 559-3906/3768/3575/2965/4035/3575; E Ring 1
Doornfontein Campus : (011) 559-6195; (011) 559-6412; (011) 559-6063: 185, Admin Block.
Soweto Campus : (011) 559-5507/5508/5702 – Ukhamba Building rooms ADB 114/118/119

Add a Comment
  1. I have been approved but my accommodation fee has not been paid. My application for this year has been rejected.

  2. I want to know that my application is approved or not because I didn’t receive a message.

    1. Approved students list is available in the above link.

    2. I would like to ask about the application sent last year October.
      Id number : 9808220602087
      Student number : 217068911

  3. Noluthando Promise Mgwili

    I have lost my acknowledgement of receipt that verifies my NSFAS application at uj for 2016. What should I do?

  4. How surprising it is for NSFAS not to consider part time students as if they are not students. Everyone should be treated equal. They are all students.

  5. I want to know that my application for nsfas is successful?

  6. When is the approved list coming out?

  7. When is the approved list coming out?

  8. How to get my Nesfas results?

  9. 15th passed. We have not received the list. So when can we receive the list?

  10. 15th had passed and we haven’t yet received da list. When can we expect it?

  11. UjNsfas online application form

    1. Application form is available in the above pdf.

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